Penn & teller Video game violence

Feb 28, 2008
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For you guys who have shotime on comcast they have a s7. episode 3 about video game violence and that its a myth that they cause violence so they going to give a 9year old a ar15 to try out to see if you can really learn to shoot from a game haha you should see some of the anti sheep there interviewing haha
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For you guys who have shotime on comcast they have a s7. episode 3 about video game violence and that its a myth that they cause violence so they going to give a 9year old a ar15 to try out haha you should see some of the anti there interviewing haha
Somewhat refreshing to see the Harvard researchers pointing out that if you control for video game usage, there is no link...

Most all kids play video games, yet most all kids are not serial killers. As they correctly point out, it's a correlative link and has no causality... More importantly, its a correlative link that would indicate most all kids are serial killers...

I feel real bad for their test subject expert gamer... That's not a good way to get introduced - though I really wonder what happened there? I've seen plenty of kids his age and younger have no issue... AR wasn't the right gun to start with though...
Yeah, the argument between video games and serial killers goes something like "a vast majority of serial killers played video games, therefore video games make people violent." It's the same line of reasoning that in employed in "100% of serial killers drank water, so drinking water causes violence." It's absurd.
When I had showtime back in the day I watched a few of their shows that called [male bovine excrement] on some myths. They did a show on pot, and they did a great one on gun control as well.
For you guys who have shotime on comcast they have a s7. episode 3 about video game violence and that its a myth that they cause violence so they going to give a 9year old a ar15 to try out to see if you can really learn to shoot from a game haha you should see some of the anti sheep there interviewing haha

I saw the episode a few weeks ago. There was an interesting outtake at the end. Penn got very somber and then showed a clip of the supposedly soon to be violent school shooter (the kid who played the violent video games) after he had shot the AR. He was a bumbling mess of tears and whimpers being held by his mom.

Yeah, real threat to society there.
I saw the episode a few weeks ago. There was an interesting outtake at the end. Penn got very somber and then showed a clip of the supposedly soon to be violent school shooter (the kid who played the violent video games) after he had shot the AR. He was a bumbling mess of tears and whimpers being held by his mom.

Yeah, real threat to society there.

+1 I'm gald you brought this up!!
All this is such BS... I remember that almost every cartoon I watched as a kid was violent... Bugs bunny, Popeye, daffy duck, tom and jerry etc... All were about killing, hurting etc... Granted Elmer Fudd, never "killed" Daffy/Buggs... It was all about hunting them etc...

I have played a few violent video games as well (far from a gamer though), I carry a gun and have shot since I was 7.

I'm fine and hope to NEVER have to kill or hurt anyone...

Guess I'm an anomaly...
I've been playing violent video games since I was in 3rd grade, I used to ride my bike to the arcade to play Mortal Kombat. Now I've played the worst of the worst on a near obsessive level, from GTA to Manhunt. I never want to hurt anybody in real life. I carry a gun, and I'm prepared to do what I have to in order defend myself and those I love, but I pray it never happens.
Personally, I have a philosophical problem with prohibiting so-called gateway behaviors - i.e. a behavior that's innocuous in itself but that could potentially lead to a bad behavior. For example, nothing wrong with having an occasional drink (at least IMHO). Of course everyone who's a drunk driver is by definition someone who drinks and having one drink could certainly lead to having 10 drinks and then getting behind the wheel of your car. Does this mean that you make alcohol illegal? No, you make drunk driving illegal.

Similarly, the legal ownership of guns creates the possibility that someone will use that gun illegally - i.e. shoot another person without justification. Does that mean you make guns illegal? No, the ownership of guns in and of itself doesn't hurt anyone. Instead you make it illegal for a person to shoot someone else without justification.

Seems to me the same is true of smoking marijuana, looking at pictures of naked women on the computer, playing violent video games and a host of other activities that some people want to (or do) prohibit. You shouldn't prohibit an activity that doesn't harm anyone (except possibly yourself) simply because 1/10 of one percent of the people who do it go on to engage in activity that is harmful to others.
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