
The restrictions are on the govt. not the people, but the government doesn't abide by the COTUS which is the law.
Regulations should pertain to criminals not the innocent.
When the RKBA is infringed upon it puts the balance of power in the hands of tyrants,madmen & criminals. When it is not infringed upon it keeps the balance of power in the hands of the people where the founders intended it to be.
I'll just leave this here: The Rifle On the Wall: A Left Argument For Gun Rights.

Seriously, there's no reason that 2A rights should solely be a "conservative" issue. It's only that way because gun control got into the Democratic Party platform when segregationists (in the South) and nativists (in the North) formed major constituencies of that party.

I think that when we "issue bundle" and marry support of 2A rights to support of various other causes often considered conservative, we alienate potential allies. I wish "our side" could stop doing that.
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