For those of you who live inthe PR of M - Patriot's Day celebrations begin on Saturday (4/16) in Lincoln, MA at the Hartwell Tavern. They're not reenacting the whole battle road fight, just the one at Bloody Angle. They're also planning on having a living history set up around the Hartwell Tavern which, from what I understand, will be kind of neat.
If anyone is planning on going to it - Edward and I will be interpreters somewhere around Hartwell Tavern. He'll be in the tricorn hat, maroon coat and waistcost and I'll be on his arm in the olive green brocade dress and dark olive green cape (if it's chilly). Say "Hi", ok?
If anyone is planning on going to it - Edward and I will be interpreters somewhere around Hartwell Tavern. He'll be in the tricorn hat, maroon coat and waistcost and I'll be on his arm in the olive green brocade dress and dark olive green cape (if it's chilly). Say "Hi", ok?