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P99 Compact in Massachusetts - Reviews?

Apr 29, 2005
Peabody, MA
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
Anyone got this gun yet? What do you think about the trigger pull. Is it looooong and slow like the standard model or better than the Glock 26?
Which trigger is listed for the compact, the AS or QA? The AS has a long first pull and short for the followup shots. Similar to a DA/SA. The QA has a consistant trigger pull for all of them, from what I've heard similar to the Glock.

I've heard good things about the compact though. You should be able to find more info on it at Walther Forums. Personally, I like the AS trigger. The long initial pull doesn't bther me and the trigger reset for follow up shots is very short.

Laura said:

According to the link to the Four Seasons shop, it's traditional single/double action.

That's the AS trigger, very nice to shoot. It may feel a little gritty in the beginning but it breaks in very well. I've had my P99 for about 3 years now & have been very happy with it.

There are a few people on the board who have P99s so you should be able to get a chance to try it. If you're going to be Maine before you make a the purchase you're welcome to try mine. (full size 9mm)

Walther P99 40S&W

I too have a P99 40S&W since l999. Carry it every day and love it. It's the original sa/da model. And yes, the trigger does smooth out with use.
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