Operation AC again

May 1, 2005
Somerville, MA
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Hi- I wanted to post this as a general post, not under the Support Troops sticky.

A few of the people on here probably got the same e-mail but I thought I'd put up the gist of it for new people.

OperationAC is a non-profit org that will send us civilians the shipping address for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They currently have 500 soldiers registered who haven't been assigned sponsors yet. I've sponsored 2 soldiers so far and applied for #3 since 1 came home and the other doesn't need anything else for now.
It doesn't cost much and it lets the men and women overseas know we care.

go to www.operationac.com and click "adopt a soldier"
Thanks SR. I do have my hands full with mine over there and 2 others I have adopted. 1 in Alan's unit, and the other that is near Alan's unit. I also have Alan's best friend who is living with us deploying next year.
For others looking there are alot of great organizations out there for adopting a servicemember. Here's a few links also
be sure to check these sites with the BBB before making any donations. many MANY fraudulent sites have emerged since the beginning of the war. anyone nowadays can create a slick looking website.
dont trust a book by its cover
checking the domain at whois as well never hurts either.
if its registered to a Richard Cranium or somethign you might be in trouble [twisted]
The sites I listed and SR's have been around for a long time. I have done my soldier when they first started, I know of others who have gone through the one SR listed. The other two listed I now of people using them,but yes it doesn't hurt to check them out.
On two of them at least, it seems they will provide a name and FPO address of someone. You then communicate and send care packages directly to your soldier. Donating to the site itself is optional.
SnakeEye said:
be sure to check these sites with the BBB before making any donations. many MANY fraudulent sites have emerged since the beginning of the war. anyone nowadays can create a slick looking website.
dont trust a book by its cover
checking the domain at whois as well never hurts either.
if its registered to a Richard Cranium or somethign you might be in trouble [twisted]

Snake- thanks for the warning, but Operation AC only supplies you with an APO/FPO and you contact your soldier directly. You only supply them with what you want to, ie: boots, kool-aid or a letter from home.

ps- you should change your screen name to ChameleonEye to reflect how often your avatar changes. My favorite was the snake/baby. Will we see that one again?
Snake- thanks for the warning, but Operation AC only supplies you with an APO/FPO and you contact your soldier directly. You only supply them with what you want to, ie: boots, kool-aid or a letter from home.

ps- you should change your screen name to ChameleonEye to reflect how often your avatar changes. My favorite was the snake/baby. Will we see that one again?

by all means people give!
i dont want to deter anyone from that, its just important these days to be prudent. some people, probobly less likely members of these forums becuase of our incredibly good looks and mental prowess, but still some people nonetheless just give without a thought as to where their funds may ultimately be going.
i wonder sometimes if those 7.00$ wristbands and bumperstickers you see people buying like hotcakes at your local 7-11 arent really supporting some terrorist training camp somewhere or something, lol. Its a sick world we live in these days.


these charities are now Snake baby approved !
Hey, I just signed up for two of these. The soldiersangels gave me a soldiers name & address within an hour. Still waiting on feedback from OperationAc.

Thanks again for the links.
No problem. Anytime. If Alan wasn't deployed right now I would be signing up also. Just my plate is full at the moment keeping him and the others happy. [lol]
senorFrog said:
Hey, I just signed up for two of these. The soldiersangels gave me a soldiers name & address within an hour. Still waiting on feedback from OperationAc.

Thanks again for the links.

Hey Frog- OperationAC only sends out addies once a week. I forget which day, but I haven't gotten mine yet either. It may take until next week if it's done on Mondays.
My first soldier was adopted through OpAC. They got national attention a while back on the Rush Limbaugh show. It seems that Rush paid for a ton of air conditioners to be sent to the sand box. The woman who started it called to thank him (which he didn't really want folks to know about). Anywho - I got on the site after hearing about it. It takes a while for them to get the name to you, but be patient. There's only 2 people handling everything so it might be a couple weeks before you hear back.
I just got mine too. Thanks!

I got a she, so I just have to convince the ol' lady that this is for patriotism and not romance. [wink]
Just treat her like a daughter or sister, you'll stay out of trouble. Besides, this way, the wife will be encouraged to participate. Not a bad thing for deployed soldiers to get attention from home.
i got mine also, and waaaait a minute. They want me send $ for a pair of altimas with the ripple sole. No problem but, seems a little specific no? Did you guys get something like that?
i was thinking more along the lines of like rum hidden in an apple juice bottle, or some [ahem] mens magazines [/ahem], but whatever, Im all for bypassing the bloodsuckers at AAFES.
Nickle said:
Just treat her like a daughter or sister, you'll stay out of trouble. Besides, this way, the wife will be encouraged to participate. Not a bad thing for deployed soldiers to get attention from home.

So you're saying sending my naked pics in the first care package would be a bad idea? Just joking folks...

Actually, I wanted to get an enlisted person. I got officers from both oper ac and soldiers angels. I guess officers need love too. [lol]
Good luck guys, I am sure they will appreciate it. Anything from home is great. We keep Alan supplied in chew and smokes. Alot of the guys in his unit do not like Hadji cigarettes.
Trust me it is the little things that they all appreciate.
For those sending things overseas for the first time - a heads up for the form you need to fill out for customs. You have to be SPECIFIC about what you're sending. If you put magazines, you need to list what magazines they are, not just "magazines". You also need to list a weight and a price, as well as a qty. for each thing or things you send. I suggest you pick up a form at the PO and look at it before you leave. If you've got questions about filling it out, ask the clerk.

And, even tho I know you were joking....absotutely NO girly mags. Things of that nature would only get your receipient in trouble, and that's the last thing we want. :D
centermass181 said:
i got mine also, and waaaait a minute. They want me send $ for a pair of altimas with the ripple sole. No problem but, seems a little specific no? Did you guys get something like that?

Center, it's just a request. You can send them boots on your own, send Operation AC $ for boots or you can just send a letter or a care package. If you read the info about sending boots they say something like the soldiers over there are only issued 1 pair of boots and some don't even have boots issued even though they're on their feet 12+ hours a day some times. It isn't an obligation at all. Check into it, and send a care package or letter at least. Don't worry about the boots.
If you write to Operation AC and tell them you can't afford the boots they'll put your soldier on a list to have a pair donated in their next shipment. I did that for my first soldier.
NO you missed the point, Im going to send the ducketts for the boots no problem, when I was deployed the last time, we didnt get stuff like that, Im just seeing if you guys have gotten requests like that too.
Yup, I got the same request from my soldier. And sent them to him.

Just wish he'd written back more; heard from him exactly twice. I assume he's home by now; he said he was going home back in December... but I never heard from him again. Oh, well.
SR you are wrong on the quantity of boots that are issued at least for the Army. They get 2 pair desert and they also have their 2 pairs of black boots if they take them over with them.
All I can say is most are busy I can only go by Alan,but they work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. With one day off. Alan will usually do convoys on his day off. It is spotty when we hear from Alan.
MrsWildweasel said:
SR you are wrong on the quantity of boots that are issued at least for the Army. They get 2 pair desert and they also have their 2 pairs of black boots if they take them over with them.

MrsWW- yeah, I only read the request once about 6 months ago. I said "something like" in my last post to make sure people knew I was not quoting directly and was just giving the idea of why a request for specific boots was being made.

Center- ah I see. It was the "waaaaaiit" thing that made it sound like you might think it was a scam or that something was fishy.

Apparently I'm all over the place and not communicating well on any end. C'est la vie :?
Just got an email back from one of my sponsors. Only a few lines, but he really appreciates us thinking of them!

I'm going to Walmart this weekend to put together a nice care package.

Please folks, help these guys & girls out!
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