Open Carry in MA

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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Not sure if this ought to be the firearms board, feel free to move it,
It was in beautiful downtown brookfield last night and ran into an elderly gentleman packing a 1911 on his hip.

Is open carry something you get your local chief to sign off on?
There is no MA law against it.

However, there are plenty of places that will arrest you for it by claiming that you are disturbing the peace or some other BS charge.

For more, do a search on open carry. We've covered this many times.
The only thing that your local chief can do for you is promise not to revoke your license for being an unsuitable person. There's nothing he or she can do to prevent your repeated arrests by officers from other departments, including possible charges of disturbing the peace which would almost certainly stand up in court.

I live very close to Brookfield. A little surprised he had the stones to open carry, but this area is a bit more firearms friendly than other parts of the state. Thank God!
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