From today’s Telegram & Gazette; Officer’s child fires shot in station.
As soon as I read this several things jumped out at me the first being the reporters acute powers of observation concerning the officer’s “service revolver, a semi-automatic SigSauer P226". I guess they haven’t yet issued the Leominster P.D those “Fully Automatic Revolvers” yet.
The next was the “Accidental” part. Nope. I’m not buying it. This was negligence, pure and simple. He left a live round in the chamber and didn’t put the safety on. (Correct me if I am wrong in thinking the SigSauer P226 has a safety.) Then he put the pistol down where a curious child could gain access and actually get off a shot.
Mayor Dean J. Mazzarella said the important thing is that nobody was hurt.
( Ya think ?! )
If a civilian had done this we would lose our license and be facing charges.![Thinking [thinking] [thinking]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/010.gif)
As soon as I read this several things jumped out at me the first being the reporters acute powers of observation concerning the officer’s “service revolver, a semi-automatic SigSauer P226". I guess they haven’t yet issued the Leominster P.D those “Fully Automatic Revolvers” yet.
The next was the “Accidental” part. Nope. I’m not buying it. This was negligence, pure and simple. He left a live round in the chamber and didn’t put the safety on. (Correct me if I am wrong in thinking the SigSauer P226 has a safety.) Then he put the pistol down where a curious child could gain access and actually get off a shot.
Mayor Dean J. Mazzarella said the important thing is that nobody was hurt.
( Ya think ?! )
If a civilian had done this we would lose our license and be facing charges.
![Thinking [thinking] [thinking]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/010.gif)