Oh, what a night!


One Shot One Maggie's Drawers
Feb 26, 2005
South of the Mason-Dixon
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I don't normally openly air aspects of my personal life. However, I thought I'd make an exception and share with all of you activities of last evening.

In preperation for my mother-in-law's 75 birthday today, we began celebrating yesterday afternoon by kicking off with cocktail hour at approximately 1600. I stuck my tried and trued favorite, Beck's beer. After many servings, and in preperation of dinner, at 1800 hrs. I enjoyed a quanity of hors d'ouerves consisting of fried chicken livers, gizzards, and beer.

The main course soon followed at 1900 hrs. and I dove into my entree of chiken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra and beer. I quickly topped this off with a dessert of the remaining livers and gizzards, oh and beer.

At 2200 hrs. not feeling fully satisfied, and developing one my occasional migraines from an old neck injury, I decided to top the evening off with ice cream and motrin, and slip off into a very restless slumber knowing all would be well in the morning.

At 0200 hrs. I was abruptly roused from my slumber by a deep, distant and menacing rumble and experiencing an odd discomfort.

At 0205 hrs. I jumped from my rack, donned and clear in 9 seconds and executed a tactical CAX (Ceramic Atomic eXplosion, for those who don't know). However, all stealth was lost early as the noise discipline became uncontrollable. I attempted to apply a liberal amount of aerial antidote but realized it was a losing battle as my 13 year old trusty friend, a cocker spaniel named Beau, became extemely annoyed and made a hasty retreat from my AO.

At 0232 hrs. the all-clear was given and I secured from M.O.P.P. level 4 only to find my finace' had also executed a fighting withdrawl and was now defending the living room couch. I cawled back into my rack at 0235 a very beaten and worn out specimen of a man. So much for Swift, Silent and Deadly.
You forgot the radio check you gave me while I was on partol at the bar last night. I'm still trying to figure out what hit my head last night and why it hurts so much now. [shock]
derek said:
You forgot the radio check you gave me while I was on partol at the bar last night. I'm still trying to figure out what hit my head last night and why it hurts so much now. [shock]

This is a good point. I did try to establish radio communications with HQ (Derek) for possible reenforcements but comm's were down. I later learned that Sgt. D was under attack and in danger of being over run, as well.
Tony, after seeing what the menu consisted of, I was surprised and dismayed to see that you waz drinkin' some fangled fancy smanchy panty wearing European import.
JonJ said:
Tony, after seeing what the menu consisted of, I was surprised and dismayed to see that you waz drinkin' some fangled fancy smanchy panty wearing European import.

I love southern cooking but I Loves my Beck's. [wink]
I guess you do's. We'll have to turn you on to some Sam Adams.
I love Southern cooking too, all of it. Love grits but you have to make your own up here. At least I can buy 'em here.
I never seem to have those sort of problems with my standard issue Old Number 7. Lem Motlow definitely new his stuff.

(Not hardly as Swift; still pretty Silent except for when the knee decides to start clicking; Deadlier than ever because youth and skill are no match for age and treachery)
KMaurer said:
I never seem to have those sort of problems with my standard issue Old Number 7. Lem Motlow definitely new his stuff.

(Not hardly as Swift; still pretty Silent except for when the knee decides to start clicking; Deadlier than ever because youth and skill are no match for age and treachery)

Ken - I had to give up Old #7 when I was about 14. Shit like to have killed me.

(Almost as Lean, twice as Mean, and always a Marine!)
Dearest Tony,

I'm so glad you shared that with us. (ROTFLMAO) And I don't blame your other half for taking refuge on the sofa. I do have one suggestion tho... Should you ever have the opportunity to have like food - DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT mix it with Mad Dog 20/20. Said dog and other half will leave the house.

Lynne said:
Dearest Tony,

I'm so glad you shared that with us. (ROTFLMAO) And I don't blame your other half for taking refuge on the sofa. I do have one suggestion tho... Should you ever have the opportunity to have like food - DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT mix it with Mad Dog 20/20. Said dog and other half will leave the house.


I have to say that I never did Mad Dog. However, Boone's Farm Tickler Pink will turn you inside out.
Boone's Farm, strawberry fields, mountain berry. Fond memories of college in W Virginia, Youth, romance & 3 bottles for 5 bucks......those wre the days.
Now I really love that Bass ale
crazyneddie said:
Boone's Farm, strawberry fields, mountain berry. Fond memories of college in W Virginia, Youth, romance & 3 bottles for 5 bucks......those wre the days.
Now I really love that Bass ale

Oh yeah...Boone's Farm Strawberry....just don't drink the whole bottle on an empty stomach....oi! (talk about a flash back! :D )
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