I saw this over at packing.org (which has become quite the mish-mash of crapola lately) and I was just curious to see what you guys think about it. I must say, it's quite anti NRA.
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I saw this over at packing.org (which has become quite the mish-mash of crapola lately) and I was just curious to see what you guys think about it. I must say, it's quite anti NRA.
As you noted, packing.org has deteriorated into a sewer, where information is often very out-of-date and good info is buried by "zero bandits." It is also a home to a lot of NRA-bashing extremists.
Here's what you need to know: The NRA was, is and will likely remain the "800# gorilla" of firearms rights lobbies. It was deemed THE most effective lobbyist group (really, the NRA-ILA) by Forbes Magazine a couple of years ago. Consider the clout of the AMA, AARP and the oil interests and you have some idea just HOW powerful the NRA must be.