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Non-Res LTC - What can I carry in MA?

Oct 3, 2014
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I'm a former Massachusetts resident who recently moved to New Hampshire, I work in MA so I'm planning to apply for a Non-Resident LTC.

Assuming the powers-to-be let me exercise my rights to self-defense in the DPRM, what am I allowed to carry in MA? I have MA-compliant handguns from when I lived there, but since moving to NH I've purchased a few handguns here that aren't allowed down south. (ex: Springfield XDM) Is that something I can conceal carry into MA or am I strictly limited to MA-compliant handguns?

I'm sorry if this is a bit of a rookie question here.
The compliance list only applies to what dealers can sell not to what you own or carry.

All you need to worry about is magazine capacity. If it is not a preban mag then you are limited to 10 round mags.
Make sure all your paperwork is perfect and you turned in the change of address forms after moving.
You will have 4-5 months to choose a good MA legal carry gun. The process is slow and frustrating. Good luck.
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Make sure all your paperwork is perfect and you turned in the change of address forms after moving.
You will have 4-5 months to choose a goof MA legal carry gun. The process is slow and frustrating. Good luck.

...not to mention that it will cost $100/year (and could still have restrictions). In some professions, the non-resident temporary LTC is good for two years, per GOAL:

Certain professions, such as persons in the employ of a bank, public utility, a private detective or members of the armed services can obtain a two-year license.

As others have state, the consumer protection regulations govern what dealers can sell, not what you can purchase, possess, or carry.

The main issue governing what can be carried is the MA Assault Weapons ban. So you can carry pre-ban, large capacity magazines. You can carry non-large capacity magazines. You can't legally carry post-ban, large capacity magazines. Note that possessing post-ban, large capacity magazines is a felony.
According to 2 gun shop workers in nh, as long as you have a 'high capacity' non resident ltc, you can carry as much in a mag as your home state will let you. So in mass for instance I can carry my sr9c with the standard 17 round mag. ..... I tried to tell them I heard otherwise on here, 10 rounds max, unless you have a pre ban mag. Stupid law, but you gotta follow it.
What's the penalty for having a standard, I mean, high capacity mag in mass of caught? Why is the ltc called a high capacity ltc?
According to 2 gun shop workers in nh, as long as you have a 'high capacity' non resident ltc, you can carry as much in a mag as your home state will let you. So in mass for instance I can carry my sr9c with the standard 17 round mag.

They are wrong.

..... I tried to tell them I heard otherwise on here, 10 rounds max, unless you have a pre ban mag. Stupid law, but you gotta follow it. What's the penalty for having a standard, I mean, high capacity mag in mass of caught?

It is a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison. See MGL Chapter 140 Section 131M, which reads, in part:

Section 131M. No person shall sell, offer for sale, transfer or possess an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device that was not otherwise lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994. Whoever not being licensed under the provisions of section 122 violates the provisions of this section shall be punished, for a first offense, by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and for a second offense, by a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $15,000 or by imprisonment for not less than five years nor more than 15 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Full text here: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXX/Chapter140/Section131M

The next time some gun shop commando claims something unreasonable about the law, ask him for citation of the statute. If he can't provide a citation to the appropriate statute, then he is most likely full of crap.

I'm not a lawyer. I didn't remember the section for this particular statute. But I found it in less than a minute. You should learn how to do that as well. It isn't that hard.

Why is the ltc called a high capacity ltc?

In part, because it allows you to purchase, possess, and carry pre-ban, large capacity magazines. MA could not ban possession of pre-ban large capacity magazines, because that would be a taking, and they would be required to compensate the owners of those magazines. In other words, the Commonwealth of MA would have to pay tens (hundreds?) of millions of dollars. Instead, they grandfathered possession of the pre-ban magazines and instead banned possession, purchase, and sale of post-ban, large capacity magazines.
That's if they aren't licensed If I read that correctly. Mass law sucks lol
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