You snooze, you lose?
You snooze, you lose? Here's how it went down. I call 2 1/2 months ahead of expiration date for the official out of state renewal form - not offered on the internet. Wait two to three weeks for the application. Upon filling out the exact information they received 13 months ago, on my original application - I realized, I had mistakenly sent them my original court document from a meaningless court appearance 20 years ago in Framingham, ma. I called them to ask if they could check their file for the document. The reply, " No...get another one." So, I go through that process again. Download application for criminal review history board (you can't do it online in this godforsaken state.) Fill it out, notarize it. Get money order. Mail it overnight. Wait 2 1/2 weeks for the document. Get criminal history check from Pa. (5 minutes online) for more $$$. Mail the whole thing to some stinkhole in chelsea, where it sits in a pile, while these high-school drop outs and political appointees stare at their navels and take three f****** months to process a license that's only good for 12. I went throught the investigative process for the NYPD and it was easier. The sad thing is, everyone in this state just accepts how F***** up it is. So your kids can't play tag at recess, and drunk driving, murderers (Kennedy) get reelected ad nauseam . I wonder what the response would be if everyone took three months to pay their taxes?