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No More Handduns in the City by the Bay

Sep 11, 2005
Leoburg/Fitchminster area
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
I see where handguns are now banned in San Francisco. News sources cite 58% in favor of the ban. Apparently lawful handgun owners have until April to liquidate their handguns. So now San Francisco joins Chicago and the District of Columbia in the banning of handguns. All such safe places !

However, the majority of the people who voted have spoken. That is part of the system. I know I am preaching to the choir a bit, but how many people who opposed the ban could have voted and didn't ?

Think it couldn't happen in Boston and the neighboring 'burbs ? Think, again. Saddle up boys and girls, I think we are going to have a real fight on our hands in 2006 AND 2008.

All the best and with regrets to a city that I will never return to,

That is sad. You're right Mark, we are going to have a fight in the near future. Now that Mumbles has retained his power, look for more overbearing gun laws in Bean Town.

Rant time: [evil]

It's the pussy left. They hate confrontation and taking a stand. So they dehumanize crime. They don't hate the criminal, they hate the tools of crime. The tools of crime can't fight back. They tools of crime can't pray on their guilt of being white oppressors The tools of crime can't pray on their guilt about the plight of poverty in this country. God forbid they ever take a stand against an animate object and tell them that they are slime for what they did and there is no excuse.

They dehumanize crime to the point where there are no individual criminals. Crime is the result of unjust social and governmental factors and the tools of crime. The person acting in the crime is a victim who can't help committing the crime because of nebulous societal factors. They way you don't have to point a finger, and no one can fight back.

Rant off...
Let's see if the crime rate in San Fransisco goes up or down once they confiscate all the handguns. Liberals hate facts. They only deal with emotions.

SF is a liberal city—and I hope the crime rate soars because of this blunder.
Mumbles already succeeded in banning large cap mags for the residents. Like two to 5 extra rounds is going to kill someone, but the first 10 won't. [roll]

To reiterate my stance...I HATE THING FLAMING STATE! And Boston can sink into the harbor, taking all the lefties with it.
Well one advantage is criminals near the great devide will probably head to 'Frisco rather than Bean-Town, so that's good news for us 8)

Again, I definetly don't expect them to "get it" when the murder and violent crime rate go through the roof.

They'll just ban more guns, untill they're all dead....then order will be restored.

-Weer'd Beard
The Liberal logic:

If you have crimes commited with guns, make gun laws, even if the same crime could be commited with a stick, rock, knife or other deadly weapon.

If crime goes down after new gun laws are enacted, the gun laws are working so we need more gun laws to make it go down more.

If crime goes up after new gun laws, it shows you need more gun laws, because even the gun laws that0 just got passed are not enough.

Idiots, one and all.

I don't know if the law can be overturned on appeal based on 2A rights as other cities have been banning guns for a long time - precedent, you know. But I think it will be overturned by the unconstituional seizure of private property without fair market value compensation.

The city will never be able to pay for these guns, so I think the whole thing will go down the tubes never to return. ..But only after a very expensive legal battle. What's nice is that the city will have to spend millions in court costs fighting this. It might even raise their taxes and then listen to them holler !
Does this mean that Senator Barbara "I can carry but you all can't" Boxer, who, since she has a SF carry permit, CAN'T CARRY OR KEEP HER OWN GUN?????

Damn... a silver lining to this mess. [twisted] [twisted]
Better yet, I bet she's gonna try to sweep it under the rug, like all the Liberal rats do (A-la John Kerry's FLEET of Suburbans).

So once Mom and Pop America "Hand 'em over" [cry] somebody can Out that she's still packin' iron.

Maybe that will be enugh for the whole house of cards to collapse.

But probably not. We're gonna have to wait for "The Big One"

-Weer'd Beard

To answer your question Police and Private Security Personnel will be allowed to continue to carry their handguns if it is related to employment. This immediately brings up the question of the new federal law that authorizes both active and retired police officers to be armed anywhere in the United States despite duty status. How this will effect off-duty SF cops, I don't know.

It would appear that the good senator will have to relinquish her handgun if she wishes to continue to reside in SF. However, at least while Congress is in session, she may have congressional immunity, or she may be declared one of those persons who needs to posess a handgun as part of her employment.

Sickening, eh ?


Mark beat me to it. If you think she'll give up her gun because of a silly law, think again. She's one of the "beautiful people" who's granted immunity from a plethera of things. Does make one sick, does it not?
What do you want to bet that the media doesn't even cover it? She's their darling.

Makes me want to
Lynne said:
To reiterate my stance...I HATE THING FLAMING STATE!

I don't hate this state...I hate the Boston politicians and the Newton suburbanites who try to inflict their miserable gun-phobias on the rest of us in Massachusetts. I've lived here for 62 years and I'm not giving up my home state or my rights to a bunch of whiners who used to live within 128 and are now spreading like zombies to 495. This state was founded on the backs of its armed citizens.
I read in the Blue Press that there are still 1 million gun-owners in Massachusetts. Presumably they're pretty much all of voting age. If our state politicians are anti-gun let's identify them and replace them with people like us before we're all gone.
swamp yankee said:
Lynne said:
To reiterate my stance...I HATE THING FLAMING STATE!

I don't hate this state...I hate the Boston politicians and the Newton suburbanites who try to inflict their miserable gun-phobias on the rest of us in Massachusetts. I've lived here for 62 years and I'm not giving up my home state or my rights to a bunch of whiners who used to live within 128 and are now spreading like zombies to 495. This state was founded on the backs of its armed citizens.
I read in the Blue Press that there are still 1 million gun-owners in Massachusetts. Presumably they're pretty much all of voting age. If our state politicians are anti-gun let's identify them and replace them with people like us before we're all gone.

If the legicritters on the hill didn't give Chief's of Police discretionary licensing power, we wouldn't be dealing with sections of this state being A-holes. And no, there aren't 1M gun owners in this state. There used to be, but it went down dramatically after the laws changed in 98'. There are less than 200K in the state now. There are less of us to replace the anti's now than there ever was, thanks to the anti's on the hill.

Edited to add: The one good thing is people are still going for their licenses and our numbers are increasing, but not fast enough to head them off at the pass.
I wonder when the state will confiscate the rifles on all the statues of historic figures.

Don't you know guns are only to KILL and those statues are inspiring missguided youths to hold up convenience stores!


-Weer'd Beard
But gay S&M dungeons are still legal so the homo's can spread aids.Go figure.The Castro street parade is still legal,gay sex in the alleys etc...spreading aids..With SF's embracing and encouragement of the himosexual deviant lifestyle,just how many people are dying of aids now that had sex in one of the many homo dungeons sanctioned by the city?

I lived in and around SF for the better part of my life.Food is outstanding,but the people and politics suck.
In a day and age where we need all the support that we can get as firearms owners, I personally would not disparage any group who might share my values regarding the Second Amendment.

In truth, The Pink Pistols, a gay gun-rights group was one of the leading opponents of the ordnance just passed in San Francisco. A very concerted effort was made specifically to the homosexual community to get out the vote and defeat this perfidious law.

To me sir, your post once again demosntrates what is the biggest liability that the gun rights advocates have. They attach other political, moral or religious agendas and make judgements outside the parameters of gun rights issues.

Please do not construe this to be an ad hominym attack upon yourself by me, but it clearly indicates one the biggest challenges we face in our common opposition to those who would violate our Second Amendment rights. Gun rights are an issue that transcend left and right, gay and straight, pro-life pro choice, Evangelical vs Main Line Denomination, Christian vs Jew vs Muslim vs Agnostic vs Athiest.

I will always defend your First Amendment rights with the right granted to me by the Second and no, I am not gay (not that it matters).

Respectfully and with all best wishes,

Various Freedoms

I'm pro choice on pretty much everything. If I start to pick and choose what choices others should be able to make regarding their choice if lifestyle and recreation, pretty soon they'll be trying to tell me what choice I can make.

Oooops... I guess they're already doing that :)
mark056 said:
In truth, The Pink Pistols, a gay gun-rights group was one of the leading opponents of the ordnance just passed in San Francisco.

*Spelling Nazi Alert*

Mark, you misspelled the word. It's "ordinance".

As in, "San Francisco just passed an ordinance against owning ordnance."

[twisted] [twisted]
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