NH Shooting Clubs/Locations

Updated Listing...if you know of other "pay for " ranges in NH, Please post...Thanks!


http://www.muck-boy.com/Shooting Ranges/Muckboy New Hampshire Shooting Range Page.htm

If your club or range is not listed here please contact us with your information.

Range Name


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20th Skeet & Sportsmans Club
100 Goffstown Rd Hooksett, NH 03106


Skeet, Sporting Clays

Dalton Gang Shooting Club
232 Miller Rd
Dalton, NH 03598


Outdoor Pistol (25 - 75 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 & 200 yds), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading

Call or
See Website
Manchester Firing Line Range
50 Gay St Manchester,
NH 03103


Indoor Pistol (75 ft), Indoor Rifle (75 ft), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading

Pemigewassett Valley Fish and Game Club
Beede Road, off Rt. 175, Holderness, Plymouth, NH 03264

Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Trap, Archery

Call or
See Website


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Range Types
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When to Shoot

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I now am hearing ads for Granite State on Howie Carr's show many times each day during his shift.
It's a great range, state of the art, with good staff. I travel 35 mins there when I can!

What Daly says about Granite State is right on. I travel an hour from the Seacoast from time to time and am a member of their Patriot Gun Club. I liked Manchester Firing Line but haven't been back there since Granite State opened.

The ROs are really good, they are very attuned to a shooter's level of experience, skill and "vitamin clue". I believe it's the only NSSF certified 4-Star Range in the Granite State.
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Does anybody have any suggestions for ranges somewhat near Bedford, NH? I've been a member at Purgatory Falls since I moved up here and it has been great but there are a few things it's lacking. It would be nice to be a member at more than one range and have options. My wish list includes a range longer than 100 yards/meters, action ranges where you can move forward of firing line while shooting and steel plates. I know the real answer is to buy land and make my own range but until that happens any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Pointer Fish and Game doesn't have a range longer than 100 yards and I'm not sure about their rules on moving forward of the firing line or shooting steel. But they are right on the Bedford/Merrimack line so that's about as close as you can get.

I'm only aware of two places with ranges longer than 100 yards in Southern NH, Pelham and Londonderry. Londonderry has a wait list and it's closed right now. I know Londonderry Fish and Game allows shooting forward of the firing line (on some of their ranges while you are not sharing the range) and allow you to shoot steel.

Not sure about Pelham membership and rules.

Odd that they list Pemi in Plymouth instead of Holderness. You would think F&G would know where it is considering it is literally right next door to their Owl Brook facility.

Probably just went off their PO box mailing address in Plymouth.


These lists just further highlight that the shooting scene here sucks.

All private clubs, many with waiting lists, make it difficult to mingle with other shooters and grow the sport/hobby.

It's pretty sad and pathetic for a pro 2A state with an outdoors type heritage.

Another reminder that I need to get to work planning out the rifle range on my property.
Pointer Fish and Game doesn't have a range longer than 100 yards and I'm not sure about their rules on moving forward of the firing line or shooting steel. But they are right on the Bedford/Merrimack line so that's about as close as you can get.

I'm only aware of two places with ranges longer than 100 yards in Southern NH, Pelham and Londonderry. Londonderry has a wait list and it's closed right now. I know Londonderry Fish and Game allows shooting forward of the firing line (on some of their ranges while you are not sharing the range) and allow you to shoot steel.

Not sure about Pelham membership and rules.

Thanks. I know some guys that shoot at Pointer. It doesn't really offer anything I don't have access to already. I've shot at Londonderry once with a neighbor and it seemed cool but there's the issue of the waiting list. By the time I get in I will probably have my own private range anyway.

I met a guy the other day who told me he shoots at Nashua Fish and Game which is actually in Merrimack. They seem to have good facilities and a number of longer distance ranges but the rules on their website are over 40 pages long. I understand the need for rules but 40+ pages is getting absurd and I'm not convinced that I want anything to do with that BS. The best short term option seems to be to just keep doing what I've been doing and maybe try some longer range stuff once in a blue moon at a spot I know of further north.
I know this is an old thread, but it's probably the best place for it. Hudson NH fish and Game club has openings now. 100-50-25 yard outdoor ranges, trap field, 50 ft indoor pistol range and a stocked pond. The membership is capped at 125, so you never have to fight any crowds to shoot.
$100 initiation, $225/year, 20 hours of work a year. There is one caveat, in your first year you have to do the 20 hours of work, in your first 6 months. The club is small, and therefore doesn't have the budget to hire outside people to do work. Work hours are aggressively rounded up. It's not hard to get 20 hours. Guests need to pay $5 to shoot, each visit, with no limit on how many times they can visit. No limit on how many guests you can have at once, but you should only have one shooting at a time (you need to be their RSO).
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