NH Lawyer

Feb 2, 2006
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This thread about a defensive shoot: http://northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11704

reminded me that I need to find a 2nd amendment friendly lawyer in southern NH (or a MA lawyer who can practice in NH) whose card I can keep in my wallet just in case I am ever in the unfortunate situation of having to defend myself.

Mr Fish (in the case linked above) probably made his situation worse by giving the police contradictory statements and should have said something like "I was scared for my life and acted in self-defense, I would like to contact my lawyer before making any other statements".

Anyone know any good lawyers?
So...would having that card in your wallet be used against you
to prove that you were *planning* on shooting someone and
needed the lawyer's number handy? I'm not kidding, it could
be spun badly, I think.

I keep proof of insurance in my car... does that mean I was planning on getting into a car accident? [wink]
So...would having that card in your wallet be used against you
to prove that you were *planning* on shooting someone and
needed the lawyer's number handy? I'm not kidding, it could
be spun badly, I think.


I doubt it could be spun very hard, as everyone has the right to
counsel. Having your lawyers number on hand is pretty much an
extension of that.

I second the cell phone suggestion by JellyFish as well. If an incident
occurs, you want to call the police and then immediately call your lawyer
thereafter. You want him/her availiable as soon as possible to
prevent them from trying to monkey around with you.

I doubt it could be spun very hard, as everyone has the right to
counsel. Having your lawyers number on hand is pretty much an
extension of that.

I second the cell phone suggestion by JellyFish as well. If an incident
occurs, you want to call the police and then immediately call your lawyer
thereafter. You want him/her availiable as soon as possible to
prevent them from trying to monkey around with you.


If you think your lawyer isn't going to come swooping in to protect you from the police, you're watching too much television. By all means, call him; he'll simply tell you to keep your f#&@ng mouth shut. Assuming that it really was a self-defense shooting then (1) you were attacked, (2) you were in fear for your life, (3) and you're too upset to talk right now. Say that; say anything more and you're simply going to build a case against yourself. If they're going to charge you, they're going to charge you, and having an attorney isn't going to dissuade them, nor is he going to talk them out of charging you. Whether or not you're arrested on the spot, you absolutely want to talk with your attorney before talking to the police.

Ken (who, of course, isn't a lawyer)
If you think your lawyer isn't going to come swooping in to protect you from the police, you're watching too much television. By all means, call him; he'll simply tell you to keep your f#&@ng mouth shut.

I never insinuated that he'd be able to "save you". I just think that calling
sooner than later is a better idea. It might be a long time before you get
to put the quarter in the smegma covered phone at the police
station. Agreed that clamming up is the best deal, beyond what you


Ken hit the nail on the head. I found that way too many subjects I dealt with could not stop talking. Then again, the career criminals knew enough to shut up.

When caught up in an incident such as a shooting, it is natural to want to explain to anyone who will listen why and how it happened. Unfortunatly, many do not take the time to think before they speak and may make matter worse.[thinking]
the number

Put it in your wallet and use it if you have to. Spinning that it was premeditated is a "little far fetched" Say nothing, other than i want to call
my attorney period.

Remember, if you do say somthing you regret it could cause some bigger problems later. Let an experienced attorney deal with it.

Remember, no matter what, this is a very serious matter....................

I am a NH attorney and if I were arrested, I would contact Moir & Brodich in Concord. Mark Sisti would also be a good choice.

However, the magic words that will stop any interrogation is "I would like to speak to an attorney before speaking with you Mr. Police Officer". The police may not interrogate a person in custody after he or she requests to speak to an attorney with the attorney being present.

If you invoke your right to remain silent, you can be interrogated again in the future and will need to invoke your right to remain silent again at each subsequent interrogation.

Fortunately, the odds of your needing to shoot someone in self defense in sleepy New Hampshire is pretty low. In 2005, New Hamsphire had 1,729 violent crimes and a population of 1,309,940, for a violent crime rate of 1.3 per thousand.

Thanks for the suggestions Mark.

I agree with you on the odds, but I would rather know a lawyer and never need him/her, than need a lawyer and not know one.
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