NEEDED by everybody: a rifle capable of being loaded with a magazine or stripper clip (M14, AR15, M1, bolt gun), ammo (58 or 88 rds min.), ear and eye protection, open-chamber flag, and a pen to write with. Anything else guys?
DESIREABLE for a new guy: a mat or scrap of carpet to lay on, elbow pads if you don't have a jacket, spotting scope or binoculars, clipboard, WATER, proper sling, work/ski glove for the non-trigger hand. Anything else??
Things you
will end up with eventually if you stick with Highpower: High-dollar shooting coat, high-dollar spotting scope and stand, shooting stool with wheel kit, and about 100 other assorted doo-dads that you will find make your life easier.
I am sure there are some other essential things I am forgetting right now. Others will chime in, I'm sure.