The photograph on which the marine Corps Memorial is based, and which is almost everybody has in thier minds was taken by AP photographer Joe Rosenthal. The six men in the photo were:
Sgt Michael Strank, Pharmacist's Mate 2/c John H. Bradley, USN, Cpl Harlon H. Block, PFC Ira H. Hayes, PFC Franklin R. Sousley, PFC Rene A. Gagnon.
Only Bardley managed to survive and live anything approaching a good life. Block, Sousley and Strank never made it off the rock. Hayes got caught between PTSD, alcohol and racism on the Arizona reservation, while Gagnon tried unsuccessfully to cash in on the fame, but died as a janetor in his home town Manchester, NH.
This was actually the second flag raised on Suribachi. Several hours earlier a smaller flag was raised. This was photographed by Marine Staff Sergeant Joe Rosenthal.
From left to right, the detachment is:
PFC Ray Jacobs, PFC Henry Hansen (soft cap), PFC Louis Charlo (hand on pole), 1st Lt Harold Schrier, Sgt Boots Thomas (seated), PFC Jim Michaels (carbine), Cpl Charles Lindberg.
I know that Jacobs, Schrier and Lindburg survived Iwo and the rest of the war, but Hansen and Thomas were killed there. I don't know about Charlo and Michaels. Unlike the second raising, where the top of Suribachi was relatively secure, the first raising was followed within a few seconds by a large number of Japanese attacking from several caves within spitting distance.