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Greg said:Any more info on doing this ? I would like to get a LTC for NH,since MA shares reciprocity (?) with no-one.A MA LTC A should be carte blanche in the rest of the US,but it's not.LOL
Greg said:Cool,thanks Derek.
Greg said:Got it,thanks bro.
Greg said:Any more info on doing this ? I would like to get a LTC for NH,since MA shares reciprocity (?) with no-one.A MA LTC A should be carte blanche in the rest of the US,but it's not.LOL
LenS said:Yup, DMH takes between 4 weeks and 6 months to respond to the PD request for info. They get not one penny from the changes in licensing laws/fees to do the background checks and they have a "shoebox" filing system. Processing gun applications goes against everything that these tree-huggers believe in, add in the no funding issue and they don't want any part of this process.
LenS said:zombie, I'm not sure I understand your point?
A MA NR LTC is VERY easy to get, especially in comparison to many towns/cities in Eastern MA for Residents! NRs only have to comply with the law, no "add-on" requirements, LTC-A/ALP was all that they were issuing at last report (haven't checked lately, but it is on my "to do" list). It just took forever and a day to get it issued and you were looking at renewal within a few months of getting the last one!
Processing LTC apps in MA is a VERY low priority both at the local PDs and at the State, and each time budgets get cut, people get pulled away from this "unnecessary admin" (in the "PC" brass' opinion) position and get reassigned elsewhere.
derek said:It arrived!
Lynne said:derek said:It arrived!
The one nice thing about NH is they figure the legicritters in MA made the law so tough that if you can get a MA LTC, they don't have any problems giving you a NH LTC and it saves them having to do a check.
LenS said:Ken, I think that many of the less anal PDs in MA are issuing in spite of no response from DMH. It's up to the PD to decide to wait for eternity or not.