I bought my wheeler torque wrench, same as above, for scope rings and it's proven to be useful for all sorts of other things too - most recently, setting critical marine hose clamps just right. It's a great tool.
A scope leveling kit/tool is real helpful installing a scope also. And possibly a scope level isn't a bad idea for 400 yard shooting either...
You basically get the rifle square to gravity on a rest via the tools. Then you hang a plum bob about 50 yards away, set the scope hairs to the plum bob, then through iteration of small adjustments and checks you got a scope torqued straight to the rifle. Things get knocked a little off, best to have an hour, relax, get it just right - no need to rush, it's fun..
Then if you got one, last step you use the plumb bob finally to square your mounted level...
There are various ways to do this - you can even set the scope level first (since after all, it's based on the cross hairs and gravity - your plum bob).
Then, when shooting longer distances, you have a reference to know if you are level (adjustments, if the rifle isn't quite level, aren't going to be quite right, either).
I use purple loctite on scope mounts and rings. Sucks when they get loose, actually can damage things if you don't notice.
Scope level (this happens to be an Arken), they are matched to your tube size btw: