Need advice for a laser mount for AR15


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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I have an A2 style AR15 (carry handle built in) and I just got a (cheap) green laser with a rail mount from some place online.

I have a rail mount thing that screws into the carry handle, but when using it the laser is mounted so high above the barrel that it seems kind of silly. I'd like to mount the laser as close as possible parallel to the barrel. Does anyone know of the best mount for that? I am currently looking for things that clamp to the barrel.
hminsky said:
I have an A2 style AR15 (carry handle built in) and I just got a (cheap) green laser with a rail mount from some place online.

I have a rail mount thing that screws into the carry handle, but when using it the laser is mounted so high above the barrel that it seems kind of silly. I'd like to mount the laser as close as possible parallel to the barrel. Does anyone know of the best mount for that? I am currently looking for things that clamp to the barrel.
I just mounted a flashlight a couple weeks ago with a TDI handguard rail. They're plastic, and I actually had to file out the slot to get my mount to fit right, but it's simple and it works.

If you want the whole rail, they have one that will go along the whole underside of the handguard for $12.

I just got the one with one slot for $7.50.
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