My wife got her license today

Apr 30, 2007
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My wife just picked up her license (LTC with no restrictions). What really blew my mind is that it took all of 8...YES *8* DAYS from the time she applied (mine took 17 days). This has got to be some kind of a record.

Anyway, considering how much of a roller coaster this has been for her and I (some of you know what I mean), I am very proud of her and happy that she is now one of "us". [smile]
8 days??? is that possible? I have never heard of anythin less than a few weeks. I went in the other day to do my app and I was quoted 8 weeks. I think that is just officer's generic safe response.
If your wife has an LTC, I hope you know the two most important words in the English language.
Congratulations on your wifes LTC, 8 days that is great, believe it or not, I am in a Red Town and received mine in 7 days.
how recent was that??? This recent info of people getting their licenses so quick has me excited

I had my interview April 19 2008 and picked it up on April 26. I have had my license since 1990, I did call the issuing officer around the 10th of April, and was asked if everything was the same as stated on my last application, except age. So I think most of the background was completed before my face to face with the issuing officer.

I read your post, and like yourself, I reside in the RED TOWN, sit tight and before you know it, you'll be heading to your favorite Firearm Dealer. And you will be getting a LTC A Restrictions "NONE", that is just great news.
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If your wife got her permit in 8 days, she is either a hottie or she looks like the Cops Mom.Just a guess on my part.
Holy Hell!! Thats great Big Red!!

8 Days - Huh....Well dont tell FITH took an insane amount of time for his renewal, on the other hand.......maybe where you live is town he would want to move to [wink]
Thanks everyone! This is very exciting indeed. BTW, her license was actually issued/dated two days ago so that would make it 6 days. [smile]

I am still in shock over how quickly she got her license. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that she is somewhat known to the police due to several run-ins with our neighbor's a$$hole son. Then again this may just be a timing thing. My town is GREEN so I wasn't really worried about her getting the license.

Now the "fun"part...Which of my guns is she going to adopt?
Thanks everyone! This is very exciting indeed. BTW, her license was actually issued/dated two days ago so that would make it 6 days. [smile]

I am still in shock over how quickly she got her license. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that she is somewhat known to the police due to several run-ins with our neighbor's a$$hole son. Then again this may just be a timing thing. My town is GREEN so I wasn't really worried about her getting the license.

Now the "fun"part...Which of my guns is she going to adopt?

what town is this?
WOW 8 days!!! unreal...mine took 3 months because they kept printing the wrong said i was 18 (when i was clearly 21) and they gave me the LTC-A no restrictions anyway
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