My Experience at Gander Mountain

Aug 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL (AKA a free state)
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Ok, even though the shop was in Greensburg, PA I was shocked. I was like in heaven. Ammo out in the open so you can browse it, and when they asked me for help at the pistol counter I was 'I am just crying inside.' When they found out I was from MA they sent their condolances to us all.
I hear ya, Had the same at Bass Pro in Maryland. "Didn't even think you folks could own guns there what with the Kennedys and all" said one of the employees there to me after I told him where I was from.
Other big shock was showing my LTC and wondering if it was ok since it was out of state and the cashier said:
"Whats this?"
"Its my LTC" "I'm showing it to you so I can buy ammo" I said.
"I've never seen one of these" said the kid. "You don't need that, and you sure as hell look over 18"
I looked at my wife, shrugged my shoulders and said "We gotta get outa Massachusetts"
I had the same awed look when I walked into the Cabela's in Buda,TX
a couple of weeks ago. Especially when the guy minding the rifles asked
me if I wanted to check out the (real!) hk93.

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