My Daughter at the Range today..

Oct 28, 2005
South Shore Mass.
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Spent a few hours today at the range with my Daughter. We have to work on her form a little bit with the 9mm TZ-75. More dry fire at home will help that. She cant shoot the AR enough to keep her happy. She really digs that.


All I can think of when I see the pics of your daughter at the range is that she would be a rapist's nightmare - an armed woman who can shoot straight. [devil]

Way to go, Hamar!
Hey! Ok! now I know who Paul C is. It was nice to have met you.

The best thing about my Daughter shooting is, hopefully she will stick with it long enough to get her LTC/ALP. Then when she and her 15 yo cousin get older and start to go out, They will be two beauties not to be missed with. My kiddo with a 9mm tucked away and her cousin (15) is currently a first degree black belt That would be somebody's nightmare for sure....
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dwarven1 said:
All I can think of when I see the pics of your daughter at the range is that she would be a rapist's nightmare - an armed woman who can shoot straight. [devil]

I'll give that one a "YEAH!!!!!" [wink]
Hamar said:
Hey! Ok! now I know who Paul C is. It was nice to have met you.

The best thing about my Daughter shooting is, hopefully she will stick with it long enough to get her LTC/ALP. Then when she and her 15 yo cousin get older and start to go out, They will be two beauties not to be missed with. My kiddo with a 9mm tucked away and her cousin (15) is currently a first degree black belt That would be somebody's nightmare for sure....

I'm glad that I'm not young and single.

BG: "Hey Baby"

<kick, chop> Take that pervert <BANG>

Hmm..sounds great to me....LOL

No Dad wants his child to be a statistic. I want to rest assured that I gave my children every chance to be self sufficient in the world. Teaching them both to pay attention to the whole picture and not just what is at face value. Keeping them aware and in tune to whats going on around them. In todays day and age, Young girls are really in a bad spot. I pray to God, by the time they are off on their own, I did my job.
She's a great kid. Heather helps out at the matches as much as any of the shooters. When she starts shooting matches herself she'll be way ahead of the game. She has more real matches under her belt than some shooters I know.

Matching father and daughter open guns would be cute.
Hmm..Steve, never know what I may have up my sleeve.

Thank you for the compliments about Heather. It really means alot to hear folks talk that way about her.
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