I see Hatfield listed on the first post. That's a joke. I grew up there, have had my "All Lawful Purposes" LTC since I was 18 (back before they changed the law), and Chief Hurley is one of the most pro-private gun ownership chiefs in MA. Although he's not really a "gun guy", he has absolutely no problem issueing a Class A ALP to anyone who is legally eligable for one.
In fact, he told me that he will not issue anything but ALP. For both his protection and the licensee's. He told me that if someone who he issued a license to commits a crime, and he's questioned about giving that person a license, all he has to say is he licensed them for "lawful" purposes, and not to break the law.
Simple, clear cut opinion that I wish more chiefs would have.
I don't know who does the Hatfield PD's website, but there is a very strict guideline for LTC's on there. That's probably where Packing.org got their inpression of Hatfield from. Reading it shocked me, too, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Chief (who is one of the only part-time Chiefs in MA) had nothing to do with it.
Hatfield is a great town to live in (and one I plan on moving back to sometime) and getting issued a Class A ALP is not an issue for anyone legal to get one. But, the Selectmen of Hatfield, in their infinate wisdom, feel they need a full-time Chief. I guess things are running too smoothly in the PD, and they want to stick their noses in something so they can mess it up like they have everything else. So, the search has begun for a full-time chief, and only time will tell what they end up with. They did offer the full-time position to Chief Hurley, but he's not willing to leave his current full-time position (where he is close to retirement, and an excellent federal pension!) and declined the job.
As an example of the idiotic things the Selectmen of Hatfield do, how about the DARE Youth Center? They have just voted to close the center, which is used by the children in town extensively, so the firemen could have a "clubhouse" to hang out in. The youth center was something great for the town, since there's NOTHING to do in Hatfield. You'll see a lot more kids down on the riverbank or on the mountain drinking now. I guess the Selectmen decided they need to justify the full-time Chief by creating crime!
OK, maybe I'll move to VT, NH or ME instead of back to Hatfield!