More Libernal Madness

I wonder how much of that $2000.00 debit card will actually be used for its intended purpose and not ending up in the Casinos down there? [roll]
MikeD122 said:
I wonder how much of that $2000.00 debit card will actually be used for its intended purpose and not ending up in the Casinos down there? [roll]

Or beer and Liquor...

I'm sure that a lot of those people will use them for what it's worth, if they are people from the Suburbs. But the people from the projects are the ones that worry me. I don't really see them using them for what they are intended for...unless it's to buy things to trade for drugs and the like.
Maybe they should set it up like the debit cards folks here in this state get when they are eligible for the state assistance. One of the cards that is used in place of food stamps you can only use in the grocery store, and ONLY for food.. You can't even use it to buy paper products at the supermarket ONLY food products.

But knowing the liberals, they will say something like. "Drinking booze and smoking crack is a way of life for these poor lost souls, who are we to take that away from them and tell them what they can and can't do with that money that is RIGHTFULLY theirs"

Adam_MA said:
But knowing the liberals, they will say something like. "Drinking booze and smoking crack is a way of life for these poor lost souls, who are we to take that away from them and tell them what they can and can't do with that money that is RIGHTFULLY theirs"

Scary thought is I wouldn't doubt if some Lib said that
I heard that the average payout to 9/11 familes was 1.2 million.

Some people are advocating the same amount to NO people !

One guy here at work thought it was only fair as the NO people are underpriveliged and deserve a better life.

Let's see, that's, $1,200,000 x 1,000,000 people or $ 1,200,000,000,000. 1.2 TRILLION dollars.

Sounds good to me.
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