Montreal whack job

It said on TV he was a goth and had a posting up on a vampire web site. Another one who has gone the route of evil. There's no doubt about it, a death worshipper who didn't value anyone's life, least of all his own.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's probably Bush's fault.

That's the most likely suspect. Friedrich Nietzsche would actually be better, but (1) he's already dead, (2) there isn't any convincing evidence that he was ever registered as a Republican or worked for Halliburton, and (3) it's a lot harder for them to spell.

Also here:

So much for "Just call 9-1-1."

We're talking more like "9-1-BANG!-thud".

The truly sad part of this story is that even if the Province of Quebec had enacted Vermont-style CCW laws, it's likely (as in 99.9999% likely), given the environment where this incident took place, that an overwhelming number of people there would have followed the advice spelled out in the Self Defense for Liberals Handbook to the letter, and CHOSEN to remain unarmed...FOR THE CHILDRENTM.

But, hey, at least they would have had the opportunity, as a free people, to make that personal choice on their own terms. Imagine that, a world where the government has no say in how you choose to use AND PROTECT your body! Now, THAT would be "progressive". What say you, Senator Barrios? Mayor Menino?

Surely, we can get the National Organization for Women behind us as we try to loosen the restrictions on women's ability to protect their uteruses from being perforated by psychotic gunmen. Right?

Yeah...didn't think so.

Hypocritical, leftist hags.
this wacko was telegraphing everything he was planning publicly...
I know we are concentrating on foreign terrorists, but how come nobody is monitoring these websites where these morons congregate????

to some, "websites where these morons congregate"

Carefull what you ask for...[thinking]
to some, "websites where these morons congregate"

Carefull what you ask for...[thinking]
Uh... you seen anyone talking about shooting up college campuses here? Heck, we just jumped all over one poster for admitting that he & his buddy had a few beers before shooting the empties!

That sound like anything to worry about? We talk about guns and their LAWFUL use... we go out of our way to abide by the laws, no matter how stupid they are (read: Massachusetts' laws).
Uh... you seen anyone talking about shooting up college campuses here? Heck, we just jumped all over one poster for admitting that he & his buddy had a few beers before shooting the empties!

That sound like anything to worry about? We talk about guns and their LAWFUL use... we go out of our way to abide by the laws, no matter how stupid they are (read: Massachusetts' laws).

And you are fooling yourself if you don't think some liberal nut jobs out there don't equate us to this POS in Canada. They like to think we are just a bad day away from that. Of course they are wrong.
And you are fooling yourself if you don't think some liberal nut jobs out there don't equate us to this POS in Canada. They like to think we are just a bad day away from that. Of course they are wrong.


Yeah, you got a good point there. I need to keep reminding myself about the lecture my sister gave me 25 years ago when she found out that I was a gunowner... her exact words: "By owning guns, you're opening yourself up to the path of violence." [rolleyes]

Yes, this is the mother of the niece and nephew who I've taught to shoot. [smile]
Don't forget that I heard on the news that he often played violent video games...

Seemed that that was a main point in the story...

That's the humor in the story. Instead of this guy just being plain CRAZY, the left has to find something to blame his actions on. i.e. Video games, Berretta, Haliburton, Bush.....
I suppose the "Voices in my head" just doesn't cut it anymore.

Oh wait, isn't there something in the official Media Handbook called the "Reno/Waco" clause that forbids them to associate such things as personal beliefs when its far easier to lay out a table full of scarey guns?
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