Mayor Bloomberg Trying to Push New York Style Gun Control in New Hampshire!

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Mayor Bloomberg Trying to Push New York Style Gun Control in New Hampshire!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Please Contact Your Mayor Today!

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino are personally contacting every mayor in New Hampshire asking them to sign onto Mayor Bloomberg’s New York-style gun control agenda.

Please call your Mayor and find out if he/she have received such a call, then, discourage them from signing onto this outrageous attack on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Then, please call the Gun Owners of New Hampshire at (603) 225-4664 and let them know whether or not your Mayor received that call.

The following online links will help you find the contact information for your Mayor:

Citizens throughout New Hampshire are counting on you to contact

Your Mayor TODAY!

For further contact information on your legislators, please use the "Write Your Representatives" feature found at
Bloomberg And Idiot Menino Are Laying The Groundwork For A National Movement! Stop Them! New Hampshire Members Strike Back Now! Do Not Allow Them To Get A Base In Your State! Stop Them Now!
Like the people of New Hampshire should listen to the mayos of the two largest cities in states with much higher violent crime rates than theirs.

Yeah, what a great idea.

Memo to Team Mumblebloom: Go f*** yourselves.
[rolleyes] It's amazing that the East Coast is so self-absorbed that it thinks the rest of the nation should follow its lead, though in reality most of the other states are doing just fine. Galling.
Like the people of New Hampshire should listen to the mayos of the two largest cities in states with much higher violent crime rates than theirs.

Yeah, what a great idea.

Memo to Team Mumblebloom: Go f*** yourselves.

+1 on the last part of the above. [smile]
It's amazing that the East Coast is so self-absorbed that it thinks the rest of the nation should follow its lead, though in reality most of the other states are doing just fine. Galling.

There's this place 3000 miles away called ............California ..ever hear of that place .?? They spread thier crap all over .

No need to worry we'll stop'm at the Mississippi and the Nevada border .

You guys have one heck of a fight comming .
I like the NRAs overly alarmist approach. Sound the alarm! antis are making
phone calls! oh noes! the sky is falling!

I dunno if those phone calls will really do a whole hell of a lot. If anything
some of the mayors will probably feel insulted that NY has the audacity to
blame NH and other new england states for their crime problems.

There's this place 3000 miles away called ............California ..ever hear of that place .?? They spread thier crap all over .

Yes, they spread their crap all over. So that's why no other state on the
west coast of the US is not anywhere the communism level of CA. The
overwhelming majority of the states in the US do not have the moonbat
level required to have bad gun laws. Even in some of the states with a
moderate amount of moonbattery, it's still hard for them to brush common
sense out of the way and make more anti-gun laws. The anti gun
agendas only gain political traction in voting districts where they can get
away with being anti without any political repercussions for doing

Mike, I must disagree with you. Bloomberg, Menino etc. are in this for the long haul. They will try to establish a base in pro-gun states and export their atrocious anti-2nd amendment laws. It is foolish to wait until they've made progress before moving to stop them. Cut them off at the knees now politically.

I like the NRAs overly alarmist approach. Sound the alarm! antis are making
phone calls! oh noes! the sky is falling!

I dunno if those phone calls will really do a whole hell of a lot. If anything
some of the mayors will probably feel insulted that NY has the audacity to
blame NH and other new england states for their crime problems.

I like the NRAs overly alarmist approach. Sound the alarm! antis are making
phone calls! oh noes! the sky is falling!

I dunno if those phone calls will really do a whole hell of a lot. If anything
some of the mayors will probably feel insulted that NY has the audacity to
blame NH and other new england states for their crime problems.

I agree with jellyfish on this one. It may just be phone calls, but a lot of phone calls to the right people can make an impact. After all, who's better at schmoosing to get what they want then politicians? A little "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" and pretty soon someone could be proposing a new law in Concord.
Mike, I must disagree with you. Bloomberg, Menino etc. are in this for the long haul. They will try to establish a base in pro-gun states and export their atrocious anti-2nd amendment laws. It is foolish to wait until they've made progress before moving to stop them. Cut them off at the knees now politically.

We can't do jack about them politically. Their voter bases are pure
110% moonbat, hence the constant reelections. Everyone else in the
country knows they're a couple of retard moonbats not to be taken
seriously. What are we going to do, call the mayors up on the phone
and say "DONT LISTEN TO HIM! HEES BAD!" ? I think they have better
things to worry about than some loopy mayors anti-gun agenda. The
average mayor in NH doesn't have "gun violence" on his top 10 list, so
theres no real common ground there. The equivalency here is them calling
up and complaining to the mayor of some small town in Iowa about how street
racing is bad. The concept is so alien to the person on the other end of the
phone that it's functionally irrelevant.

Look at all the anti gun states- most of the politicos responsible for 95% of
the bad gun laws are all what I'd call "entrenched moonbats". There
are a few "wafflers" here and there but they're not the majority. The
NRA has been successful in politically assasinating most of the ones who
live in places where the issue is frontable.

I still think they're basically pissing into the wind. NH is one of the top
like dozen best pro-gun states in the country. That may change
eventually, but it's not going to have anything to do with the propoganda
broadcasts from "herrs bloomberg and menino."

Another thing you're forgetting.... NH has state level preemption. This
means that only the state government has the authority to make laws
pretaining to firearms. This means that mayors are functionally meaningless
within the context of gun rights.

I dunno... I just don't think that antis calling up people on the phone
and whining is anything to get worked up about. It's not as if these
guys have submitted a bill somewhere thats actually going to be taken
seriously by somebody. I don't think anyone outside of their respecitive
cities takes them seriously, believe it or not.

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Mike, we ignore them at our peril. They know they aren't going to make headway initially. They are laying the groundwork and establishing relationships for future legislation and restrictions. Do not take them lightly.
I agree with jellyfish on this one. It may just be phone calls, but a lot of phone calls to the right people can make an impact. After all, who's better at schmoosing to get what they want then politicians? A little "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" and pretty soon someone could be proposing a new law in Concord.

Ah yes, pushing a bill that none of the voter base asked for.... that's
smart. Probably a good way to lose your seat up there. The government in
NH is not perfect, but its a lot more "hack tolerant" than it is down here.
Part of it is because state legislators are essentially unpaid, aside for like
$100 + a small per diem.

I just think it's overrated threat. If the antis wanted to do something
they would have been better off trying to do it when the MMM and all
thier ilk was prancing around. On a national level, gun control is
dying. (Look at the LACK of outcry when the AWB lapsed... the papers
had 2nd and third page stories about it, one column jobs, and then it all
went away. ) At a minimum, people are starting to ignore the issue or
back burner it. "Gun Control" became irrelevant on a national scale
after 9/11. Nobody cares about it much; most of the nation is more
scared about terrorists polluting the water supply. Theo the thug is a
minor problem in comparison. Behind closed doors many of the less rabid
liberals will tell you they dont like guns but they don't want to touch the
issue in contested areas because it leads to libs losing ground on "real"
issues, and gains them very little. They're starting to realize that in contested
areas gun control is a land mine to avoid approaching.

This phone spam by a couple of liberal hacks is proof of
this.... they cant resort to normal agenda pushing methods because everyone
important stopped listening to them awhile ago, so now they have to
resort to cold calling people. I get the impression that most ofthe mayors
are going to treat these guys with the same respect that they'd treat one of
those guys trying to sell you newspapers at dinnertime. EG, they'd
really like to tell them to FOAD, and not call back.

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Mike, we ignore them at our peril. They know they aren't going to make headway initially. They are laying the groundwork and establishing relationships for future legislation and restrictions. Do not take them lightly.

Targeting the politicians isn't the best prevention for that though. We're
better off targeting the voter base, instead. The more people that are
informed about the "real deal" about the farce that is gun control, the less
likely they are to support it. By destroying the misinformation thats out
there, it's pretty easy to get even people that have no intention of owning
a gun to disdain gun control has being a cop out that politicians use instead
of offering a real solution or plan. At worse we can get people to believe
that gun control is a complete waste of legislative effort, at best we can
get people to believe that gun control is a direct assault on their constitutional rights.
Either is an improvement from the BS that the media
is spewing out there, for ignorant people to carrot.

Bloomberg and Menino can read a poll as well as anyone. They know that New Hampshire is trending more blue, especially in the big cities in the southern portions of the state. The Governor is a Democrat and New Hampshire narrowly went for Bush in 2000 (thanks Ralph), and Kerry in 2004.

They think that New Hampshire is fertile ground for their crusade and they might be right.

New Hampshire gun owners shouldn't be complacent.

Thanks, Gary! That's exactly what I was worried about but I didn't communicate it very well at all. They are laying the groundwork for future success in restricting the rights of gun owners in other states.

I can't stress enough that this threat MUST be taken seriously! [angry]

Bloomberg and Menino can read a poll as well as anyone. They know that New Hampshire is trending more blue, especially in the big cities in the southern portions of the state. The Governor is a Democrat and New Hampshire narrowly went for Bush in 2000 (thanks Ralph), and Kerry in 2004.

They think that New Hampshire is fertile ground for their crusade and they might be right.

New Hampshire gun owners shouldn't be complacent.

Thanks, Gary! That's exactly what I was worried about but I didn't communicate it very well at all. They are laying the groundwork for future success in restricting the rights of gun owners in other states.

I can't stress enough that this threat MUST be taken seriously! [angry]

Absolutely. NH gun owners should fight the fight now, while it's still early.

There is an old saying which goes:

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
I kind of rethought my position on this a bit. I still refuse to be
overly alarmed over this specific incident though.

Maybe targeting politicians IS useful... although I don't know if I'd send a
letter to JUST the mayor, but I'd also send a similar letter to whoever the
reps/senator for that particular district. The legislators are the ones that have the REAL power.
At a minimum sending the legislators letters is a good way to let them know, that at least some
people ARE paying attention to them, how they vote, etc. I'd also add to this that in someplace like
NH, a letter from a constituent can probably go a lot further than it could here. (EG, sending such a letter
to fat ted, for instance, will probably get it thrown directly into a shredder, whereas a pol in NH might
actually READ what someone sends them.)

I live in MA but have a few friends who live in NH - the NH guys regularly complain about the "Ma**h***s" who have moved up there and are screwing up everything. Having Bloomino target local mayors might actually be a smart strategy on their part - if you have a town with a high percentage of MA expatriates they may actually find a mayor here and there who is sympathetic to the anti gun thing.

But overall I think some of the responses to this thread point out one of the biggest issues that the pro gun camp has in combatting the moonbats - when they aren't actively pushing more anti-gun laws we all just sort of sit back - instead of trying to completely rollback whatever anti 2nd amendment laws might have already been passed. Then when the political winds change - and the moonbats are back in charge - we are that much further behind. It's sort of like we draw a line in the sand and say dont step over this line - and they do , and we draw another line - and they step over that. Then we draw another line - and the moonbats just sit for a while and we get complacent and think everything is ok.

Sooner or later all of the lines will be crossed and your back will be up against the wall. The time to push them back across those lines is any time you have the chance. If Menino and Bloomberg got a nice "screw you" from every mayor they talked to then that would be a much better outcome than them getting any sort of polite reception to their phone calls. The only way the screw you is going to happen is if your local mayors get told in no uncertain terms what the people in their towns and cities are really thinking. Dont miss the opportunity to let them know.
Yep, it's called Creeping Incrementalism and it is a primary way how the leftists implement their agenda. They take a little bit, then a little bit more, then a little bit more until they've destroyed whatever they've set their sites on.

I live in MA but have a few friends who live in NH - the NH guys regularly complain about the "Ma**h***s" who have moved up there and are screwing up everything. Having Bloomino target local mayors might actually be a smart strategy on their part - if you have a town with a high percentage of MA expatriates they may actually find a mayor here and there who is sympathetic to the anti gun thing.

But overall I think some of the responses to this thread point out one of the biggest issues that the pro gun camp has in combatting the moonbats - when they aren't actively pushing more anti-gun laws we all just sort of sit back - instead of trying to completely rollback whatever anti 2nd amendment laws might have already been passed. Then when the political winds change - and the moonbats are back in charge - we are that much further behind. It's sort of like we draw a line in the sand and say dont step over this line - and they do , and we draw another line - and they step over that. Then we draw another line - and the moonbats just sit for a while and we get complacent and think everything is ok.

Sooner or later all of the lines will be crossed and your back will be up against the wall. The time to push them back across those lines is any time you have the chance. If Menino and Bloomberg got a nice "screw you" from every mayor they talked to then that would be a much better outcome than them getting any sort of polite reception to their phone calls. The only way the screw you is going to happen is if your local mayors get told in no uncertain terms what the people in their towns and cities are really thinking. Dont miss the opportunity to let them know.
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