Match Loads


One Shot One Maggie's Drawers
Feb 26, 2005
South of the Mason-Dixon
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I've got a few other questions but I wanted to throw this out before I left for the weekend.

Has anyone loaded 69 grain Sierra BTHP using Alliant Reloader 15, and if so, what charge weight worked well? I'll be using Winchester small rifle primers in LC and WCC brass.

Also, what's the difference (advantage) between Hornady bullets and Sierra?

Semper Fi and have a good weekend!
I used varget and got a clean shooting and very nice groups out of it. (69 grain Match Kings ) used CCi primers and 24 Grains of the varget. The black hills reman stuff I had tried was way dirty shooting too. Worse I ever saw in an AR/M-16 not too impressed.
Glenn - There is three powders I want to try; Varget, Vhita Vhouri and Reloader 15. I also wanted to use CCI primers. However, the only place in my area that has reloading supllies only carries Reloader 15 and Winchester primers. I can't see paying the $20 hazmat fee until I know what I want to use and buy in bulk. 25.5 is the max on 69 Match Kings. I figured I would start with 24.5 and see how it does.
Well thats what I did, My local shop had the Varget , Re15 Is supposed to be good,
And as allways work up to the max load . I quit at the load above as the accurcy was there and no signs of pressure.
Wildweasel said:
Well thats what I did, My local shop had the Varget , Re15 Is supposed to be good,
And as allways work up to the max load . I quit at the load above as the accurcy was there and no signs of pressure.

I'll probably start at 24 and load a few groups of 5 varying the load a couple of grains to test out. Accuracy is what I'm after, also.
223 Loads

I use 24.2 of Varget, LC cases and CCI primers. They work great through my Rock River DCM. I've never used anything other than Sierra's 69 grain but I'm looking to step up to their 77 grain later in the year.

Anyone have load data for LC cases, Varget, Rem 7.5 Primer and 69 SMKs??? I've tried 24gr Varget and it seemed low power and not that accurate as far as groups, but that could be me... I was going to load up to 24.5g or higher per the Sierra Manual, but didn't want to go too far as I am brand new...

223 Loads

I use 24.5 grs. of Varget in LC cases and CCI primers. I see no signs of pressure and fine the load accurate. Functions fine in my RRA match rifle.
Thanks for the confirmation... I'm going to load up some 24.5 Varget as described... the manual says you can go as hight as 25.3 for the Sierra "accuracy load' but I'll try 24.5 and work up from there... Wasn't sure about the strength of the LC cases versus Remington or Winchester which I also have.. brand new but wanted to use the LC cases up first...


I use 25.8Gr Varget under a 68/69 Nosler or Seirra CCI BR primers and LC brass.
I do love the Varget except it doesn't meter to well, I just got turned on to 2520 it meters like water and I think it burns cleaner than the Varget.

My AR15 seems to like Varget at 24.9 for now... 25.1 & 25.3 didn't group well off the bench... Gonna confirm the 24.9 with more rounds next week. I also have 2520 and the others I shoot with swear by it for the metering accuracy and cleanliness... +1. Will try that once my pound of Varget is gone... The season is winding down here up north so the reloading can begin!

I personaly use Re15. However, regardless of what you use, I suggest you test the loads in the positions you plan to shoot, not off the bench. You may say that you want to test the round and not the shooter but it is best to test your loads exactly in the manner that you are going to use them. I learned this from a man who I shoot with that still holds a record at Perry.

I do test the loads in position once I find a load that provides tighter groups off the bench... Now that the season is almost over, I'm going to spend my free time working on Varget loads in position, then move on to 2520 and RE15 testing so I can be better prepared for the 2006 season. So far, this whole experience has been very rewarding...

I would also suggest that new folks purchase the Extreme Accuracy DVDs featuring G David Tubb for detailed info on positions, sighting in, load development, etc... Very informative.

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