Mass. - what's Patrick going to ban first?


NES Member
Feb 5, 2006
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The erosion of gun rights has been scary enough in Massachusetts the past decade. Today I'm only allowed to choose from a handful of manufacturer's who are willing to bend over backwards to meet the state's "safety" requirements. No more Kimbers, no more Springfields, etc. No more new mags over 10 rounds. Heck, I can't even buy ammo mail order anymore. And all this occurred in spite of gun-friendly Republican governors over the last 20 (?) years.

So what's going to happen when Patrick takes office? Within a year or two the Dem's will either ban everything or make it so tough for manufacturer's that there'll be nothing left to buy. I predict the following new legislation in short order:

- Magazines limited to three rounds.
- No barrels shorter than 6".
- No polymer frames.
- No night sights.
- No scopes
- No rail-mounted lights
- No laser grips
- No calibers larger than 9mm
- No semi-auto rifles of any kind
- No more than one purchase per year per household
- No firearm sales at gun shows
- No ammo sales at gun shows
- No people at gun shows
- No gun shows

So I figure now's the time to seriously consider purchasing anything on your wish list. If you wait much longer you won't be allowed to own it, never mind buy it.
Dear Patrick - I noticed you are proposing a one gun a month law. If elected, are you going to have some sort of assistance program for those residents who can't afford to buy one a month?
The erosion of gun rights has been scary enough in Massachusetts the past decade. Today I'm only allowed to choose from a handful of manufacturer's who are willing to bend over backwards to meet the state's "safety" requirements. No more Kimbers, no more Springfields, etc. No more new mags over 10 rounds. Heck, I can't even buy ammo mail order anymore. And all this occurred in spite of gun-friendly Republican governors over the last 20 (?) years.

So what's going to happen when Patrick takes office? Within a year or two the Dem's will either ban everything or make it so tough for manufacturer's that there'll be nothing left to buy. I predict the following new legislation in short order:

- Magazines limited to three rounds.
- No barrels shorter than 6".
- No polymer frames.
- No night sights.
- No scopes
- No rail-mounted lights
- No laser grips
- No calibers larger than 9mm
- No semi-auto rifles of any kind
- No more than one purchase per year per household
- No firearm sales at gun shows
- No ammo sales at gun shows
- No people at gun shows
- No gun shows

So I figure now's the time to seriously consider purchasing anything on your wish list. If you wait much longer you won't be allowed to own it, never mind buy it.

Don't give'em any ideas!

It doesn't matter whether the governer is a republican or demo rat, the legislature is fatally composed of ignorant liberal demo rats in this state and would override any governer's veto to pursue their agenda. Their tactic is incrementalism and I've watched it at work for forty years.

You have three choices, either submit to and live under their draconian laws, resign yourself to not comply or move out of this socialist police state as soon as humanly possible.
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I wanna know if he'll limit himself to pardoning only one convicted violent rapist per month.

Or, maybe he'll just try to get a comon sense rape control law passed - "Rapists will hereby be limited to one rape a month, or risk facing a long weekend in jail."
Maybe it won't be so bad...

I mean, sure he'll ban everything. But at the same time, maybe nobody would actually have to do any time for breaking laws. So call me a felon and pout at me all you want, just let me get back to whatever I was doing in the first place.

More likely deval will somehow try to conjure something up so that Boston
will have the right to ban handguns within its city limits.

It's happened in Chicago, and Washington DC, and it almost happend in
San Francisco. How much inertia would it really take for him to pull
it off?

And people wonder why the state is losing resisdents at such a high's not only the gun issues that drive people from this shithole.i dont believe deval is going to help curb the rate of people fleeing the state if elected.hell he just might make the numbers climb even higher.i for one am planning on my escape from this shithole in the near future.
deval "patwick"

i think he'll ban traditional marriages between man & woman on the grounds it is "inflammatory" against same-sex marriages. then he'll ban all guns, then he'll open all the prison gates, then....[shocked]
Deval is a threat to our Constitutional Rights to own firearms. Teddy is getting pretty old now and will die off soon enough. As for the other Liberal A-Holes. We need to weed them out asap. Now if we could only get rid of Tom Riley.
Deval is a threat to our Constitutional Rights to own firearms. Teddy is getting pretty old now and will die off soon enough. As for the other Liberal A-Holes. We need to weed them out asap. Now if we could only get rid of Tom Riley.

Teddy could not die fast enough. At least Riley is moving to the private sector.
Teddy could not die fast enough. At least Riley is moving to the private sector.

The problem is, unless Larry wins, we're doomed to get Martha Coakley, who
is basically a reilly clone. You know if someone gets like an F on the goal
rating system that they're dangerous. It would be one thing if she was
just another liberal... but shes basically a riley clone.
I emailed his office like 3 weeks ago and just got this tonight

Thank you for taking the time to inquire about Mr. Patrick's position on gun issues. As an attorney, Mr. Patrick recognizes the importance of the 2nd ammendment and has no intention of preventing law abiding citizens like yourself from exercising your right to bear arms under the Constitution. However, in order to crack down on crime and gang violence, he plans to work towards ending the trafficking of illegal guns into Massachusetts in order to make this state safer for all of us.

In his own words:

"I see an end to the trafficking of illegal guns into Massachusetts from neighboring and other states, through better coordination and cooperation among state, federal and local law enforcement.... Handguns are far too readily available to inner-city juveniles and felons. Guns sold illegally account for five out of six guns recovered in crimes. Some 60% of the guns used in crimes in Massachusetts are trafficked in from neighboring states that have much weaker gun laws. Meanwhile, our gun violence reduction initiatives, once nationally-recognized, have been allowed to erode."

For more information about Mr. Patrick's public safety plan at:

We hope that the above information has been helpful for you. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns.


The Patrick/Murray Team
I heard that he wanted to tax the air that we breathe. Taxes in MA are quite low as we only spend about 60% of our hard earned money in taxes. He figures we all need air so why not tax it so the government can get even richer while the rest of us struggle to pay our taxes. Then not only will we all be broke but we won't have any rights to purchase any products because they will limit even more of what we buy.

Damn I hate the Democrats!!!
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