Mass illumninati?


Oct 20, 2005
North Shore
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OK i Live in mass, and ive had a pistol and a LTC for nearly 6 months ..
In that time i have only put maybe 20 rounds through my pistol..
And im seriously getting pissed..
there is no-where to shoot in this state, whatsoever..
all of the clubs are private!
i saw danvers fish and game listed in freedom magazine as an "open to the public" club in this months edition.
I drove all the way up there and got told that they are NOT accepting any new members and even if they were, i would need to have two current members to vouch for me..
well,im not from there, and i dont know anyone who is a member let alone two, so basically too f***ing bad and go home.
thanks NRA freedom mag, check your facts next time..

the same holds true for Cape Ann sportsman club..
not accepting any members, gotta have current members vouch for you..And even then, their wont be a meeting to se if they have any openeings for several months..

Is their ANYWHERE to shoot without having to suck someone off to let you join their little secret squirell club?

this absurd elitist bullshit is annoying me to no end, and i plan to write a very long letter to the NRA freedom mag to take more care in selecting clubs that they list as open to the public..

I dont understand the need for this stupid secret handshake bullshit.. A gun club is probobly one of the only business in the world that i can think of where all the clientele are quaranteed to have no criminal history .. What more do you want!
MRA is accepting members. They are even having a membership drive today. I'm not sure if they'd let you join if you asked to suck them off first, though.
Another fine private club is the Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club in Boylston, MA. Look us up on the web at

The membership committee will sponsor you if you decide to join.


PS Intimate oral skills are neither required nor encouraged.
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MRA is exceedingly easy to join.

In other places it seems the "suck off" is to show up at a trap or CMP event, or put a post in the clubs forum here and ask "Is anybody a member of Club X and can you show me around sometime?" Lots of people are looking for exactly that kind of excuse to go shooting.
There are NO public ranges (i.e. run by state, county, city, etc.) in MA . . . it just "ain't PC"!

There are at least a few hundred "private clubs", MOST of which are actually quite easy to join.

I ALWAYS did a few things FIRST before approaching a club about membership:

- Checked for list of affiliated clubs and any info on what they offer, who to contact, etc.
- JOIN GOAL! Call and ask them about some of the clubs that interest you.
- Made phone calls on a Sunday morning (most popular time at gun clubs) to ask about facilities, membership, getting a tour.
- Paid a visit to the "short list" of clubs that seemed to fit my areas of interest. Bring eyes and ears. Observe if only men, mixed bag (men, women, different races/ethnicity, children present, etc.) and how that fits your ideas of a friendly club. [Personal observation: Those that only had white, middle-old age males present on a Sunday morning were least attractive to me, where those that looked like "family friendly" and "people friendly" (men and women, perhaps children, mixed race/ethnicity) turned out to be the friendliest places to shoot and join.]
- Made a judgment based on how I was received and treated as a guest checking the place out.
- ASK the question about sponsorship. [Each club I joined over the past 30 years (3), upon being interviewed by BOD (2 clubs) the BOD would sign off as your sponsor if you really didn't know anyone. Some clubs might suggest that you do shoot skeet/trap on Sunday mornings as a way to meet people who would sponsor you . . . most will loan you their skeet/trap guns too!]​

Most clubs hand you a key/keycard as a member and allow you to use the place unsupervised (a very few have video surveillance cameras where someone reviews everything that goes on and gigs those that don't follow the rules), so they want to be sure that they don't give membership to someone who will damage the property or is a yahoo who drinks while shooting, etc. Thus, they at least want to meet you first and get a "comfort level" feeling that you're an OK person (not related to "clean records check" for LTC).

Some clubs stupidly put a cap on membership or only accept new members once/year! Most are more open minded than that. I belong to Braintree R&P with 2700+ members (only ~500 use the place each year), which gives us a ton of $$ to make the club a great place to be. On some rare occasions the place is crowded, but most of the time there is no problem finding an open shooting position. We have 10 new member classes/year where 30-40 people join each of those months.
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No thanks!

Never been much for fishing anyway and I like the waters I've plotted out just fine thank you. [wink]
Is it just me or is essentially EVERY thread going gay lately?

I mean, I love and support everyone here regardless of their orientation, but don't expect me to start flirting with Lynne or MrsWW, ok?! [rolleyes]
There seem to be a few members who have much stronger interests in that area than in shooting. Eventually they might return to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

SiameseRat said:
Is it just me or is essentially EVERY thread going gay lately?

I mean, I love and support everyone here regardless of their orientation, but don't expect me to start flirting with Lynne or MrsWW, ok?! [rolleyes]


Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Spencer, MA
Posts: 4,532


Thank you for supporting NES. Schedule a time with Brent for the massage.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."


I haven't posted since the massage offer............
Don't know about you, but if I were insecure, you wouldn't see me listed as offering firearm instruction on the Pink Pistol web site.

I have had developmental stuttering since i was 3, so sadly i dont have the luxury of being a social butterfly. though i manage to get through my days in work, little things like oh,saying my name, are impossible..So something as simple and elementary to you as striking up a conversation is an exercise in anxiety and embarhassment for me. I cant use a phone to make outgoing calls, and i only carry one to recieve calls (once im initiated in conversation im usually fine). Im a master at covering it up, but essentially when its all said and done i cant initiate any new contact unless by email.
So the real problem we have here is a recruitment barrier for people with disabilities like myself.
reminds of a billboard i saw a few years read
"Do you suffer from dyslexia?? Call 889-987-7865"

Ive been a member at the Manchester Firing Line since long before i ever got my permit, however im not a fan of the prospect that i have to leave the state if i want to go shooting. I feel like im being driven out of massachusetts

If someone posted on here that so and only got their Class A ALP LTC permit because their friend was politician,police chief or becuase they "knew" someone everyone would be up in arms. Well this is tantamount to the same thing. i cant shoot locally unless i know someone? Whats the difference really..
What happened to all this talk of freedom, and getting more people into the sport i read in all the NRA and goal rags? Every club in my area is a fence and a guard tower short of a prison camp, and as easy to penetrate for someone who cant talk socially..
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SnakeEye said:
What happened to all this talk of freedom, and getting more people into the sport i read in all the NRA and goal rags? Every club in my area is a fence and a guard tower short of a prison camp, and as easy to penetrate for someone who cant talk socially..


Mass Rifle Association in Woburn doesn't require that you know anyone to become a member: just show up some Sunday with your LTC and checkbook. They'll schedule an orientation and safety check and you'll be on your way. When I applied they ran about eight people through the orientation at once: minimal chit-chat required. Once you're a member you'll get a key fob that'll let you in to the indoor ranges 24/7.
The requirement that new members be recommended by a particular number of current members is a joke at most clubs. At Westford, I chair the membership meetings, and most applicants end up getting their applications signed by myself or one of the other officers. Rarely have I seen any of these people before that meeting. IOW, don't worry about thre requirement.

There must be indoor ranges where you shows up, pays your money and shoots you guns.

There's one like that In Bridgewater, called Fat Cats. There must be more.

Ken, my club is that way. When I joined I didn't know anyone. The Treas and Pres signed off for me.
Of the 3 clubs that I joined over the years, I only knew people at Braintree R&P and found out accidentally that I knew them because I mentioned at a LE org meeting that I was about to join up there and a few people that I knew said "oh, I'm a member there, you can use my name".

The other two clubs were as Ken mentioned . . . show up and someone from the BOD will sign off for you.

It is NOT a barrier unless you make it one in your own mind.

NOBODY is going to make you recite some pledge or put you thru the inquisition. Some people stutter, including our very highly regarded and paid Town Administrator! Big deal, no one is going to cut you down because of it, so just relax and "be yourself"! You've now heard the same story as what I'm telling you from numerous people, so please take our word for it and don't get over-anxious about it.
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