Ok well I finally picked up some snap caps for my .45 (should have done that a LONG time ago)
These weren't as high-end as some I've seen. I usally was looking at ones made of some metal (usally aluminum) with a sping cap for the "primer"
these are just made of what feels like vinyl. and they're BLAZE ORANGE.
I relized that the rounds that I usally shoot (Wolf ammo *Battleship Grey colored brass* and Federal Hydrashoks *silver colored brass*) I thought maybe the few times I tested my "Mass-Hole" Loaded Chamber Indicator on my S&W 1911 the reason why I couldn't see a round in the chamber was the contrast of the silver and grey with the SS of my chamber.
So now I have some Hunter's Orange .45 "dummies". I pop one into the chamber and I have a look.
I see blackness....
I turn on a bright overhead light:
At JUST the right angle I can see a spot of ornage....but my first few glances all I could see was Black.
For practical evlauation I would have assumed the chamber was empty (and assumed under a "Positive" examination)
A falce positive.
These things make guns MORE dangerous! Of course if the AG gets wind of this, he'd probably say the only hope is to Ban guns....rather than emphasising the simple tequnique to open the chamber and check...wich we ALL KNOW HOW TO DO because we had to take the safty training to own the gun in the first place.
I tell you if this state gets more full of shit they're going to start locking up Drunk-driver's cars when they kill people and let the drunk go about his inebrated buisness.....
-Weer'd Beard (Man didn't think I'd get that steamed)
These weren't as high-end as some I've seen. I usally was looking at ones made of some metal (usally aluminum) with a sping cap for the "primer"
these are just made of what feels like vinyl. and they're BLAZE ORANGE.
I relized that the rounds that I usally shoot (Wolf ammo *Battleship Grey colored brass* and Federal Hydrashoks *silver colored brass*) I thought maybe the few times I tested my "Mass-Hole" Loaded Chamber Indicator on my S&W 1911 the reason why I couldn't see a round in the chamber was the contrast of the silver and grey with the SS of my chamber.
So now I have some Hunter's Orange .45 "dummies". I pop one into the chamber and I have a look.
I see blackness....
I turn on a bright overhead light:
At JUST the right angle I can see a spot of ornage....but my first few glances all I could see was Black.
For practical evlauation I would have assumed the chamber was empty (and assumed under a "Positive" examination)
A falce positive.
These things make guns MORE dangerous! Of course if the AG gets wind of this, he'd probably say the only hope is to Ban guns....rather than emphasising the simple tequnique to open the chamber and check...wich we ALL KNOW HOW TO DO because we had to take the safty training to own the gun in the first place.
I tell you if this state gets more full of shit they're going to start locking up Drunk-driver's cars when they kill people and let the drunk go about his inebrated buisness.....
-Weer'd Beard (Man didn't think I'd get that steamed)