M&M Plimoth Bay Outfitters?
Did I catch them at a bad time, or are they really this dishonest?
First off, they were handling one half of a trade deal. They send off their FFL to me and I send out my half of the trade after receiving it. Then, I get a phone call saying that they have "no idea" what to do with the pistol I sent them. After I explained to them that they were handling a transfer, and that's why they sent me an FFL copy, they told me that it's "Massachusetts Law" that they need a notarized statement saying that I owned this pistol prior to 10-21-98 to prove that it's grandfathered. Well, I'd be lying since I bought it used AFTER that date, although the dealer I bought it from got the original paperwork from the person who traded it to them. They would never break the law and deal with the AG's office. Too bad I couldn't get it from them, since they closed up. I told them that I was the officer on the PD who specialized in MA gun laws, and there is NOTHING in MGL about "notarized statements". The woman I was speaking with then hung up on me!
I then call them back and speak with a man, apparently the owner. He tells me that I have to drive out there and pick the gun up because they wouldn't handle the transfer! Sorry, but I legally shipped a handgun to these idiots, after they sent me an FFL so they could receive shipment. Just because they change their minds doesn't mean I'm going to drove from W. Mass out to Plymouth! I told them that they could compensate me for my gasoline and time, then I would come out to pick it up, but they said it was not their problem. I told them it was their problem now, since they now legally have the gun!
Not only are they horrible to deal with for transfers, but they also break Postal Regulations and ship handguns Parcel Post. I informed him that he has to use Priority Mail, according to postal regs, or that's just an excuse for the PO not to cover a lost, stolen or damaged handgun with an insurance claim because their rules weren't followed. He told me that he "has an FFL and can ship any way he feels like it". Then, to top it all off, he says he wants nothing to do with this deal and just wants to ship the pistol back to me! I said: "You're not willing to transfer a legal handgun, but you are willing to break Federal and State laws and Postal regulations and ship a handgun to a non-licensee?" He said yes, and said I had to pay for shipping. Fine, I gave him a CC number and will square away with the other party in the trade. So, I received a handgun, illegally, in the mail today.
To top it all off, I decided to check my CC account activity to see if he really only charged the actual amount of shipping like he said he would. Nope. It cost him $8.60 to ship it, and he charged my CC $12. I called him today to ask why he charged me extra, and he said he had to cover his cost to enter it in his book. So, he was willing to enter it into his books and "transfer" it back to me, but he wouldn't transfer it back to another person to complete the deal. I'm willing to bet he didn't do the required NICS check before shipping it back to me, either.
I went to the indoor range at the gun club on saturday night. A younger guy there said he bought a S&W 642 out East while visiting a friend a few weeks ago, and it was broken. Being new, he went back to the shop, where they took 2 hours to "fix" it, then sent him on his way. As soon as he tried it out, he found the timing was still off. So, he called the dealer and asked him to take care of it. This dealer said it's "against MA law for a dealer to handle a broken gun, or even contact the manufacturer. It's up to the purchaser to handle the repair". Funny, it was also M&M who found this completely unheard of "Massachusetts Law" about a gun shop not being able to legally stand behind the products they sell!
If anyone else has had any experiences with these idiots, I'd love to hear about it.