Looks like Menino's Gun Buy Back isn't working....

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Crime Rate Spiking In Hub
Teen Shot At Bus Stop

POSTED: 6:39 am EDT October 13, 2006
UPDATED: 7:01 am EDT October 13, 2006

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BOSTON -- A spike in violence on the streets of Boston has led to an increase in the number of homicides and lesser violent crimes in the city.

In the last day, there has been a spree of deadly incidents in the city, including a shooting that killed an East Boston High School student.

NewsCenter 5's Gail Huff reported that a 17-year-old counselor at a local Boys and Girls Club was the latest victim. Hardy Celestin was shot and killed at a bus stop in Mattapan.

In Boston, murders are up 12.5 percent over the same time last year, and shootings are up 22 percent.

On Thursday, two people were shot at the Top Notch barber shop on Washington Street in Boston's South End. The shop was full of customers when a gunman walked in started shooting. One customer was hit at least five times. Another customer was shot in the hand. Witnesses wrestled the gunman to the ground.

"I ... was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I thought it was safe, but I guess nowhere is safe," customer William Barr said.

Hours later, at a DeAngelo's sandwich shop on Hyde Park Avenue, a man was stabbed. He ran down the street to a pizza shop, where he collapsed.

Violent crime has spiked in cities across the country. Experts said it's mainly gang-related.

"Gangs have made a big comeback. Partially because we have a wealth of new recruits who are excited by the opportunity of joining a gang," said Professor James Alan Fox, a Northeastern University criminologist.

Part of the problem is that teens have easy access to guns. In a post-9/11 world, money for security is being spent elsewhere, some analysts said.

"Homeland security is critical. But so is neighborhood security," Charles Wexler of the Executive Research Forum said.

Many cities are implementing curfews. In Boston over the weekend, hundreds of police officers were scheduled to meet to discuss how to prevent an epidemic.
Many cities are implementing curfews.

Hey, if we ban going outside, think how low the crime rate would be. A person barricaded in his home, is much less likely to be the victim of a violent crime than someone who thinks he has some kind of right to travel freely about the city.
Has anyone heard/read that one of the guns turned in was later used in a crime
of some sort?

Coworker I know who lives in Roxbury insists that it happened and that it was in the newspaper.
I didn't hear that but it doesn't and wouldn't surprise me. Probably got hushed really quickly as Menino would be hung out to dry for that one.
So much for the gun buy back plan


Gun Buy-Back Programs Have Little Impact On Crime Gun buy-back programs are politically popular, and generate little opposition from gun rights groups. But recent studies have called their effectiveness into question.

According to the studies, the programs have no effect on violent crimes or firearms deaths, and the guns and owners that turn out for buy-backs represent neither the types of guns or people involved in gun crimes. Furthermore, some who participate in the buy-backs are cashing in on spare weapons, but keep at least one at home -- or plan to use the proceeds to buy another gun.

Independent follow-up studies in Seattle, Sacramento, St. Louis and Boston found no evidence buy-back programs reduced gun crime.

In Seattle, a check of coroner's records and hospital admissions data for the six months after a 1992 buy-back found no evidence of an effect on firearms-related deaths or injuries.

The number of weapons collected represent a tiny fraction of the nation's arsenal, with 220 million guns now in civilian hands, and another 4.5 million new ones added each year.

According to Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, "The continuation of buy-back programs is a triumph of wishful thinking over all the available evidence."
Guns used in crimes are typical modern, up-to-date, semi-automatic pistols, while weapons turned in during buy-backs are overwhelmingly older guns, such as revolvers, which in some cases don't even work. According to a study by criminology professor Richard Rosenfeld of the University of Missouri-St. Louis:

In Sacramento, 59 percent of buy-back participants said they had additional guns at home.

In St. Louis it was 62 percent, and in Seattle 66 percent.

In St. Louis, 14 percent of participants said they planned to buy a new gun within the next year, and 13 percent said they might.
Finally, gun owners who turn in weapons tend to be middle-aged or elderly. Street criminals tend to be adolescents and young adults.

Source: Mike Dorning (Chicago Tribune), "Studies Fault Gun Buy-Back Effects," Dallas Morning News, June 11, 2000.

For more on Gun Control Myths http://www.ncpa.org/pi/crime/crime51.html
Doesn't surprise me a bit. Par for the course in Meninostan. Wait now for a press release, followed by the mayor huffing and puffing in front of the TV cameras about "those damn guns, blah blah". [rolleyes]
Hey, if we ban going outside, think how low the crime rate would be. A person barricaded in his home, is much less likely to be the victim of a violent crime than someone who thinks he has some kind of right to travel freely about the city.

Show me just where in the where in the Constitution it says that individuals not actively serving National Guard have any right to wander around willy-nilly at any hour of the night!?! [shocked]

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