Got me curious, whats everybody running?
RCBS Rock Chucker Jr.
5005 scales
Old RCBS drum tumbler
Powder dump (But I mostly hand measure each load on the scale)
Pretty much got my setup from my old man. He had it in the garage for 20 years. A wet garage. We sorted it all out at work (we used to work together at a FAA repairshop, he still does). Bead blasted all the rusty stuff, emery clothed the press cylinder until it was baby butt smoth. Media blasted everything to get the corrosion off and repainted.
I found out later, we could have sent it all back to RSBC and they would have repaired everything for free...
RCBS Rock Chucker Jr.
5005 scales
Old RCBS drum tumbler
Powder dump (But I mostly hand measure each load on the scale)
Pretty much got my setup from my old man. He had it in the garage for 20 years. A wet garage. We sorted it all out at work (we used to work together at a FAA repairshop, he still does). Bead blasted all the rusty stuff, emery clothed the press cylinder until it was baby butt smoth. Media blasted everything to get the corrosion off and repainted.
I found out later, we could have sent it all back to RSBC and they would have repaired everything for free...