Levee bombed, says Islam

Mar 14, 2005
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Farrakhan: Levee May Have Been Bombed To Flood Black People

POSTED: 8:58 am EDT October 14, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said it's up to the government to prove that a levee wasn't bombed to flood poor black people out of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Farrakhan said he's heard that military explosives may have been used to blow a hole in the levee, resulting in what he said would amount to "mass murder."

Quoting the Bible and the Quran, The Rev. Farrakhan said he suspects there was a government conspiracy behind the New Orleans flooding, but is confident that God will reveal the truth.

Farrakhan spoke at a Washington news conference in advance of Saturday's Millions More March on the National Mall. It comes 10 years after the "Million Man March."

The event will feature prominent social justice advocates, members of Congress, hip-hop artists, civil rights activists, media pundits, academics and business leaders. Muslim and Christian religious figures also will participate.

Farrakhan said you should think of the Millions More march as more of the start of a movement, rather than a single event. The Nation of Islam leader says he hopes the weekend gathering will be part of a long-range effort to give more power to minorities.

Farrakhan said blacks are tired of begging others to do what blacks should be doing for themselves. There will be one big difference between 1995 march and Saturday’s event. The first excluded women but at this one, women are welcomed.
I heard the leader of the Black Panthers talking about this on the Hannity radio show. What a bunch of asshats. I wonder if they will ever drop this race issue and realize nobody cares.
Nickle said:
I wonder if it's too late to indict him for Malcolm X's murder?

It's fairly common knowledge he was involved somehow.

To the best of my knowledge, there is no statute of limitations on murder. You just gotta prove it.

And be ready for the loud screams that it's because he's critical of the gov't. And "whitey" is trying to shut him up. Etc... ad nauseum.
WASHINGTON -- Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said it's up to the government to prove that a levee wasn't bombed to flood poor black people out of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Innocent until proven guilty... PROVE it happened dumbass.

Quoting the Bible and the Quran, The Rev. Farrakhan said he suspects there was a government conspiracy behind the New Orleans flooding, but is confident that God will reveal the truth.

Cool, how bout we help you get there quickly to ask him for yourself.

The event will feature prominent social justice advocates, members of Congress, hip-hop artists, civil rights activists, media pundits, academics and business leaders. Muslim and Christian religious figures also will participate.

Great.. ALL the top minds and free thinking people in one place at one time, spewing their racial propaganda!

Farrakhan said blacks are tired of begging others to do what blacks should be doing for themselves.

So then stop playing the "race card" every time you want to get your way, and be a MAN!
pardon me while I
The absolute best thing about this is that he will GAIN few followers from it, and will certainly LOSE far more than that. The black folks are about to see his BS for what it really is.

And what happens when his "March" only garners about 100 marchers? What then?

Remember when IIC Oral Roberts, or some other TV Evangelist quoted that God would "recall" him, if he didn't raise a certain amount of money, and then couldn't? Lost a fair amount of followers, didn't he?
Ummm OK, ya the levees were blown up too....

On October 24, 1989, at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC., Louis Farrakhan stated that he had a vision of being abducted in 1985 by an invisible pilot in a UFO and carried up on a beam of light to a "human built planet" known as the "Mother Wheel." There the voice of Elijah Muhammad informed him that the president and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under the direction of Gen. Colin Powell, were planning a war, which Farrakhan said he later came to realize was "a war against the black people of America, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan." "I saw a city in the sky," Farrakhan said, after which the UFO "brought me back to Earth and dropped me off near Washington; over to Tyson Corners and Fifth Street I think...to make The Announcement."
I was listening to Rush today. Did y'all know that Farrakhan believes that he was picked up by a mother ship and given information to tell Kadafi to behave? This guy is a MAJOR whacko. But the biggest nut case was the guy interviewing him - he NEVER asked him about it. [roll] I didn't get who it was that was doing the interviewing,
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