Lets boycot NATCHEZ

May 26, 2005
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Natchez is just picking not to sell ammo to mass with nothing coming from the AG they are just worried about having to stand up to them.

Which to me is weak Barrett can do it out in CA and not sell or working on any PD .50 cal rifles that is the kind of people we need running companies I told them I am going to get on the net and boycot them so help me out I think that is the weakest thing a company can do I can see if you had something come down from the AG but they still should fight this is not a small company...

Hell <Removed by Lens-Mod, NO NAMES of those that will sell here> sells to mass and even having a store up here soon.

Please call Natchex or email and let them know your going to pass the word and not buy a thing and tell your friends not to maybe we can start making this company work for us and not themself

1800 251 7839 or www.natchezss.com thanks
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Natchez isn't worth the trouble of boycotting.

The ONLY stuff I've bought from them was when I was cornered, and they could ship in time (I was out of town, and needed direct ship). Their prices on most stuff SUCKS, and their surplus ammo isn't priced great, either.
Once a company opens a store here they will NOT be able to sell mail-order (even from Corporate HQ). That is one of the Ts&Cs of the MGLs on gun/ammo sales that they will then have to live with or have their FFL and MA Dealers Licenses pulled.

MOST companies that refuse to do business here were NOT gigged by the AG . . . yet. If you really want to boycott all of them, you won't have anyone to buy from (or less than a handful) even for un-controlled products. MA just isn't worth the $50K+ cost of fighting the AG . . . and they would lose in MA courts anyway . . . and I'm sure that they know this too.
securityboy said:
OK I'll be sure to boycott a company that won't ship to me anyway????

they sell other stuff that is what i am talking about buy nothing from them let them know!!! they still get sales from Mass just not ammo but why buy anything from a weak company
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henchmen77 said:
Please call Natchex or email and let them know your going to pass the word and not buy a thing and tell your friends not to maybe we can start making this company work for us and not themself

Yeah, that will show em.

The little bit of business they will loose won't amount to anything to them. They made a business decision a long time ago and they stick to it.

If their sale prices are good and you want what they are selling, buy the sale item and nothing else. That will hurt them more. They use a lot of lost leaders.
I used to buy ammo from them a lot before they got a letter from our AG. I had a lengthy conversation with one of the salesmen one day about Mass laws and shipping ammo. He said they were contacted by Reily as were many other vendors and that they would be sued if they shipped ammo here. He said until we get enough voters to get him out of office there was nothing they could do and I believe him. He also went into detail to tell me about several vendors that had lawsuits filed against them by Reily.
Granted they didn't have much surplus ammo but you could get great deals on 17hmr, Ruger 204, diferent kinds of 22lr ammo, and just about any other comecial ammo you wanted w/out the Massachusetts gun store high prices. Plus it was fast shipping and good knowledgeable customer service. I'd buy ammo from them in a second if we still could.
Henchmen77: You'll have to boycott almost all the companies, including Dillon, Midway, etc.

The one to blame is the AG.
I believe that Dillon will not ship reloading components to MA.

As to the calls for boycotts - unless you are prepared to offer a seller an indemnification contract in which you agree to pay, without limit, all of their legal fees and judgements for selling ammo to you, your position is not reasonable.

I don't care what the business is - if there is a highly credible threat of having to defend a suit or pay a $5K settlement for each small sale to MA, the smart business decision is to take a pass on that business.
Heads? WTF are "heads"? I've been shooting for over 50 years, and the onld head I've used was the one attached to my neck. In addition to the guns, I've used cartridge cases, power, bullets, primers, wads, and shot as consumables, but never "heads". [wink]

I think a boycott on a company that WILL sell us some stuff, AND at a CONSIDERABLE discount, and savings from other vendors is silly...

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