Lessons learned from the Mosin shoot, 7/1/06


Jun 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
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While at the Mosin shoot today at EMD in New Ipswitch NH, I learned a couple things.

1)MrTwigg, Tele_Mark, Arioch, YOU GUYS ROCK!

2)Mosins M44s should be held tight to the should when fired from a sitting position.

3)Muzzle blast is addictive

4)I can't wait for the next shoot!
Good times![smile] It was good meeting everyone, and checking out that gun shop finally. I'll tell ya -- there'sa Mosin in my future![smile]

Heh, fireball, heh!

It was also lots of fun watching Arioch just missing the target with his Commander sized .45 at 100 yards!
Also the proper way to cycle a Mosin

Don't be shy ! Smack ! Raise the bolt. Smack ! Bring bolt to rear. Smack ! Slam bolt forward. Smack ! Close bolt. Shoulder rifle, acquire proper sight picture, hold breath... Squeeze trigger ....


Next time I'm bringing marshmello's to toast on the bayonet ! Mmmmm ! [smile]
tele_mark said:
Good times![smile] It was good meeting everyone, and checking out that gun shop finally. I'll tell ya -- there'sa Mosin in my future![smile]

Heh, fireball, heh!

It was also lots of fun watching Arioch just missing the target with his Commander sized .45 at 100 yards!

I stopped in at Stateline on the way home they do have a nice M38 matching numbers, not line-out of force matched - no bayonet - all cleaned up, no cosmoline. It's just what you want !
Resistance if futile ! [smile]
MrTwigg said:
I stopped in at Stateline on the way home they do have a nice M38 matching numbers, not line-out of force matched - no bayonet - all cleaned up, no cosmoline. It's just what you want !
Resistance if futile ! [smile]

That must be the one he mentioned Wednesday when he told me he had some "Russians" out back they needed to move and would offer a good price. I'll go over and check it out, but I have to be careful with the money -- there'sa cat tree I'm going to need to pay for![wink]
I should also add it way real nice to meet up with you guys, Tele_mark, Arioch & your lady friend - who's name I can't recall - Sorry !, and Nashmack too.
I cant believe Mark can still hear after being between myself and MrTwigg while we were firing the carbines!

A friend of mine claims that he can get me 5 gallon water bottles, anyone up for another shoot sometime?
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