LEO's Can't Protect You...

WOW that's great [roll]

So the cops aren't "Obligated" to actually help you and protect you (To Protect and Serve) but yet you aren't supposed to protect yourself???
And how about the contradicting statements from NOW (National Organization of Whiners). "Guns and domestic violence make a lethal combination, injuring and killing women every day." How about just taking the first word right out of that quote? Makes just as much sense then too...

I thought the info that the Police have no obligation to protect you was common knowledge. They are obligated to investigate the crime, after the fact.

If this info were to get completely out, certain anti-gun politicians better watch out, they're going to be UNEMPLOYED.
Nickle said:
I thought the info that the Police have no obligation to protect you was common knowledge. They are obligated to investigate the crime, after the fact.

If this info were to get completely out, certain anti-gun politicians better watch out, they're going to be UNEMPLOYED.

No, not everyone knows that. And that's one of the reasons why the anti's are able to BS their way around - they TELL you the police will be there for you. [roll] Yup - they were there for me all right. I just never saw them while being raped, having my "X" try to kill me, or all the while hubby and I were looking over our shoulder because of the death threat.

I'm not knocking LEO's - I just don't expect them to be there to protect me, especially when I can drill one dead center at 21 feet.
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