Lee single stage press on clearance

2020 was the year

I didn't have the lee classic turret I had a lee cast aluminum turret. I even tried the primer arm from my old lee single stage and it did not fit.

I never said the lee turret sucked. I said it's limited in quality in that it will wear out pretty quickly unless your only loading 100 or 200 rounds a month. Shit loads of reloaders will agree with me on that. I out grew the lee when I started making more and more ammo on it. As far as your suggestion for cheap to fix.......I'm not that into buying parts to repair my economy model press. I barely have enough time to get to the bench to make a couple thousand rounds a month that I use...... I have zero interest in fiddling with my press to keep it running. I like my rcbs. It fits all.my needs and I'll likely never have to fix it.
2020, eh? No wonder why you couldn't get the new primer arm.

The aluminum Lee turret I have no experience with, but from all I've read they suck, the cast iron one is the best and that's the one I have and it works great for when I'm doing 100 or 200 rds of pistol at a time and I've not had an issue with it.
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