Larry Frisoli @ Woburn Sportsman’s Association - 09/28

Mar 4, 2006
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This guy is a must win for us in November...

Dear Fellow Sportsmen,

On Thursday, September 28, 2006, I am hosting a 2nd Amendment grassroots discussion with John Hohenwarter, the New England Representative of the NRA, and Jim Wallace, the Executive Director of GOAL. The meeting starts at 7pm and is located at the Woburn Sportsman’s Association (155 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA).

There is a lot at stake in this election. For many years Tom Reilly, as Attorney General, has consistently attacked your constitutional right to bear arms and either opposed or stood silent on all issues concerning hunting in Massachusetts. His clone, Martha Coakley, who is the Democratic candidate for Attorney General, recently received an "F" rating from Gun Owners Action League.

My Goal rating was 98 percent, the highest rating for all state-wide office candidates in Massachusetts for any party. I am the only statewide candidate to proudly state that he loves to hunt and fish, and is a long standing member of the NRA, GOAL, and the Woburn Sportsman’s Association.

Please join me for a grassroots discussion on how you can help preserve our Second Amendment rights in Massachusetts.

Attached is an invite to the meeting. If you can, please post this at your Rod and Gun club. Invite your friends and family. With your support, we will win in November.

I look forward to seeing you next Thursday.

Larry Frisoli,
Your Attorney General
There was a bit of excitement over doing a shoot in support of Frisolli. Unfortunately, nobody seems to have time to organize it (including me, though I'd love to do it).

I hope in place of this NES members will go the Frisoli web site and donate gernerously. If you thought "yeah, I really want to go to that" go and donate at his web site. We need this guy to win!!

And please be generous. If we held the shoot it would have been something like a $20 entry fee, plus the cost of ammo (another $20) plus the cost of gas. So, a $50 starting point is not unreasonable if you were going to go to the shoot.

But in any case, donate SOMETHING. Please!

(by the way: there are currently 1331 registered users of this forum. If each donated $50 that would be $66,550. That's significant cash.)
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More info added...

Dear Fellow Sportsmen,

Summer is over. Our Fall hunting season is about to start, however, there is one other season occurring this Fall which will determine your rights to hunt and shoot for the next 8 years - the political season of state elections.

For many years Tom Riley, as Attorney General, has consistently attacked your constitutional right to bear arms and either opposed or stood silent on all issues concerning hunting in Massachusetts. His very liberal clone, Martha Coakley, who is the Democratic candidate for Attorney General recently received an "F" rating from Gun Owners Action League. My Goal rating was 98 percent, the highest rating for all state-wide office candidates in Massachusetts for any party. I am the only statewide candidate to proudly state that he loves to hunt and fish, and is a long standing member of the NRA, GOAL, and the Woburn Sportsman Association. In the next few months, the NRA will be actively, aggressively campaigning for me as your next Attorney General.

As your Attorney General, I intend to use the financial resources of this office - which in the past has harassed and intimidated lawful gun owners - to fund staff to promote and advance the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms and to protect our right to hunt and fish. I intend to correct the current system for applications for FID cards and Licenses to Carry Firearms so that the illegal restrictions such as for target purposes etc. are prohibited. Citizens with no serious criminal record, history of violence or mental illness shall be issued a license to carry a firearm without restrictions.

In order to win in November and change the course of Massachusetts history, I need your immediate help now. I want to place one of my campaign signs at the entrance of the over 160 Rod and Gun clubs in Massachusetts and my literature and bumper stickers inside. Currently for me to attempt to go to each club and ask for permission would result in me diverting critical campaign time from other sections of the State. If you are a member of any of the Massachusetts Rod and Gun Clubs, I need you to contact the people in charge of the Association to obtain me permission to place my signs and literature at the Club now. If you also have potential house / road signs locations on any major roads that I may place a sign on, please let me know.

With your immediate support, we will win in November.

Larry Frisoli,
Your Attorney General

Link to Woburn Sportsmen's Association

I'm in 100% agreement with his proposals, but I'm curious to know how as AG he would be able to correct the FID and LTC issues... particularly WRT making licenses "shall issue" without restrictions.

I also think it's a wise decision for him to place emphasis on the hunting/sportsman aspect rather than making it a strictly defensive/more guns = less crime issue. Not that many Liberal voters inside the Rt. 128 loop and Boston have any interest in the concerns of hunters and sportsman, but
at least they can't claim that Larry only wants to flood the streets with more

Barring any unforseen calamity, I plan on being at the WSA on the 28th.
My Dinner With Larry.


It was a low-key event, but hopeful and promising.

I got there about 10 minutes early and there were very few cars in the parking lot (hmmmm... this is disappointing). However, by the time the meeting started, there were about 25 people or so in attendance (I was easily the youngest one there and I'm 51). Given that it was at 7:00 on a work day, I'd say the attendance wasn't bad.

Larrys sales pitch was brief and direct. He addressed several issues (auto insurance reform, drug dealers registry, sex offenders, etc), but I'll just relay the 2nd amendment concerns here.

He stated that as AG that one of his first directives would be to eliminate the bogus 940 CMR 16:00 regulations. Following that, his next move would be to dismiss the entire staff that served under Herr Reilly [smile] .

Another issue he brought up was with regard to the licensing system (FID/LTC).

Details were a bit unclear, but basically his position is that barring the obvious prohibitions; that he would use his role as AG to work with the legislature to bring about a "shall issue" system and that licenses would be without the restrictive "for target and sporting use only" language.

Just to clarify things a bit, he also stated that the prohibiting factors issue would be genuine concerns... not denying a person for some youthful indiscretion from 20 years ago or for someone who had a minor alcohol or drug problem once in their life.

Larry also brought up how his office (as AG), would handle faux pas firearms violations or valid judicious use of self-defense cases (at this point I'm not certain, but he used the legal term "null process" or "nol process"... something like that... land sharks, chime in).

Basically (from what I can gather), is that if a law abiding gun owner is arrested on some BS charge (like showing or printing a concealed firearm), or if a home owner chooses to put down an intruder rather than to run out the back door or cower in the corner, the AGs office will not seek and direct the DAs not to prosecute.

Before the meeting started I had a good 5 minutes or so to talk with him.

He was very optimistic and enthusiastic about his campaign.

I didn't ask him any campaign or political issues directly (I assumed he would bring these up during his speech). We talked about MA politics and the liberal ruination of this state in general.

I mentioned that while I have no love or support of Deval Patrick, that if we got hit with the double-whammy of Patrick and Coakley, we're really screwed. He laughed and agreed then went on to say just how bad that team would be for gun owners, and that if every gun owner in MA voted for him, he would win in a landslide. He also mentioned that he and/or his staff, had approached a few other gun clubs for a get to know you... let me tell you what I can do for you meeting, but that some had shown no interest (he didn't mention any names).

<rant on>

I find that un-f***ing-excusable. Here we have the golden opportunity... probably the only opportunity to change things for the better and some range/club officers "have no interest". WTF!?!

For any club officers/directors/board members/persons of influence here... get the word out!

Invite him down to speak with your membership and just as important, get the word out to them.

Jim Wallace from GOAL was there and he stated that there were 270,000 gun owners in MA (that seems a little high to me... but, whatever)... that's a huge voting block no matter which way you cut it.

Mentioned was the very real truth that the liberal media in this state is going to give very little and/or negative attention to Frisoli's campaign... you can count on that.

Consequently, his campaign is going to be mostly word of mouth and meeting with the people who can relate to and are best served by his positions.

If we f*** this one up, then we're really f***ed.

</rant off>

So, anyways... the event went smoothly; my only complaint was that there was no question and answer period (if I had the opportunity, I would have asked him about the mail order ammo and reloading components blockade).

I came... I saw... I listened... I grabbed a few bumper stickers and yard signs.

Help get this guy elected in November... please!
Thanks for the write up Login... it is baffling why other clubs aren't interested in having him swing by. He'll get my vote. Even though he didn't get to answer all your questions I think we get the general idea.
There are probably a few clubs that aren't interested in doing anything (I suspect we know several of them), but that's hardly the norm. I contacted Larry a couple of weeks back to see about having him visit Westford Sportsmen's Club, but found that he was already booked solid.

Larry was on cape Cod at the Bass River club a couple months ago. One difference is the Reily staff he was talking about giving walking papers was the part of the office that worked on the Consumer Protection section. (he needs some experienced staff)

As for the changes in licensing, his stated plan was to file legislation to remove the discretionary power of the Police Chief issuing. They would basically handle the application and they would be issued if there were no violations from a set State standard.

I have seen signs for Larry in Central MA. None here on Cape Cod except bumper stickers he left at Bass River.

We need to talk this up at meetings and events and get as much support for his campaign as possible.

I've been talking him up to everyone I can, I'm finding that a lot of people don't know either candidate, so I think name recognition will be a big deal.
I talk him up to everyone I know and ask that they pass his name along.

Most people dont knwo crap about either canidate... HOPEFULLY the majority of people dont just look for the (D) next to the name and vote as such... if so, we are screwed.

I can honestly say that i will do what every is in my power to help get Larry eleceted.

I can unfortunately also say... I have already seen news coverage of Martha and her "official" announcment of her running.

nothing on Larry.

He NEEDS to get some press coverage and get it now... people wont know his name and simply vote for martha because that is the name they see on tv.

I started today with this:

Every person, every single one I talk to, somewhere in the conversation I ask " Do you vote?" With their answer I reply, Does it matter to you who gets voted in as AG? So far every single one of them told me No. I then ask them to please use their vote for Larry Frisoli. I have had great response to this and feel that if we all do the same thing, we should be able to get a grass movement going for a vote i n our favor. I will continue to do this until P-Day (polls day).
I started today with this:

Every person, every single one I talk to, somewhere in the conversation I ask " Do you vote?" With their answer I reply, Does it matter to you who gets voted in as AG? So far every single one of them told me No. I then ask them to please use their vote for Larry Frisoli. I have had great response to this and feel that if we all do the same thing, we should be able to get a grass movement going for a vote i n our favor. I will continue to do this until P-Day (polls day).

Ditto [smile]
I started today with this:

Every person, every single one I talk to, somewhere in the conversation I ask " Do you vote?" With their answer I reply, Does it matter to you who gets voted in as AG? So far every single one of them told me No. I then ask them to please use their vote for Larry Frisoli. I have had great response to this and feel that if we all do the same thing, we should be able to get a grass movement going for a vote i n our favor. I will continue to do this until P-Day (polls day).

I've been doing that and will continue to do so....
I drove down Grafton St in Worcester this evening and I saw a bunch of Frisoli yard signs. I was amazed. [smile]
I was talking with a gun owner yesterday and asked if he was going to vote in November. He replied "of course I am." So I asked him who he was voting for and he replied "I really like Deval Patrick because he seems like a really good guy." I basically flipped out on him and asked if he knew where he stood on the issues and he replied that he wasn't sure. I told him that you shouldn't vote on a person because they seem more personable and that you need to look where they stand on the issues.

It gets better... I asked about who he was voting for AG and he had NO idea. I told him about Frisoli and he never heard of him. Hopefully, he'll change his vote and vote the right way. We need to work hard at getting the word out there because not all gun owners are members of this forum and not all pay attention to any of the important issues.

We have our work cut out for us!!!
I was at the steel challenge match in NH yesterday. Gave out all the Frisoli literature I had to the MA shoters that were there. I hope it does some good.

I need to restock literature.
Posting his signs at all the gun clubs in MA would be a huge help I would think. That would tell gun owners that don't pay attention to the issues that if it's at a gun club chances are the person is pro-gun.

Posting his signs at all the gun clubs in MA would be a huge help I would think. That would tell gun owners that don't pay attention to the issues that if it's at a gun club chances are the person is pro-gun.


Great idea! I'll post them in Winchendon and Gardner this week.

Great idea! I'll post them in Winchendon and Gardner this week.


Sweet!!! I emailed him to see if he will send bumperstickers and yard signs. I mentioned if he couldn't mail them out where could I pick them up? I'll post them around my town where I can.

One thing that is nice to see is in Western, MA (Templeton to Leominster) I've noticed TONS of Healy signs around. She also needs all the help she can get to win.
I e-mailed him yesterday about supporting him and getting some yard signs and literature. A neighbor has a sign up, the more exposure the better. How about getting a large supply and every nes member putting one up. I will donate some money and time.
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