Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows:
That CBC, Ordinances, Chapter 16 be amended by inserting the following new language:
16-45.1 Carrying of Weapons Prohibited. No person, except as provided by law, shall carry on his person, or carry under
his control in a vehicle, any knife having any type of blade in excess of two and one-half (2 1/2") inches, (except when actually
engaged in hunting or fishing or [delete … in going directly to and/or returning directly from such activities, or any
employment which requires the use of any type of knife), … end delete] any employment, trade or lawful recreational or
culinary activity which customarily involves the carrying or use of any type of knife, or (b) in going directly to and/or returning
directly from such activities, or (c) if the knife is being transported directly to or from a place of purchase, sharpening, or
repair, and if packaged in such a manner as not to allow easy access to the knife while it is being transported), ice picks,
dirks or similar weapons that are likely to penetrate through police officer's ballistic vests, or other object or tool so
redesigned, fashioned, prepared or treated that the same may be used to inflict bodily harm or injury to another.
16-45.2 Distribution Exception. This section shall not apply to persons who, through entities or establishments engaged
in a recognized retail or wholesale business, are involved in the sale, purchase or repair of knives for trade, sport, hobby or
recreation, including without limitation persons engaged in the transportation to or form such entities or establishments.
16-45.3 Applicability. Nothing in this section shall be construed to enhance or diminish any duties of persons described
in section 16-45.2, and this section shall not be introduced or cited in any proceeding as evidence of negligence,
recklessness, or similar state of mind of such persons.
16-45.4 Penalty. Violators of any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than three hundred
($300.00) dollars for each offense.
16-45.5 Severability. The provisions of this section shall be severable and if any section, part, or portion hereof shall be
held invalid for any purpose by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any
remaining section, part or portion thereof.
16-45.6 Effective Date. This section shall take effect immediately upon its passage. [Ed. Note: Passed 12/12/01]