Knife Ordinance


Oct 20, 2005
North Shore
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Though it seem sort of trivial when you consider your carrying a loaded handgun,but where can i ascertain my local knife ordinance so i can buy a personal def/util knife of suitable length?
Is it governed by local or state law? (local i would imagine)
and spring "assisted" from what im told is legal,but source is not the law.
thx all
IIRC, I don't think the blade can be longer than 3 I correct counselor? Also - it's state law, not local, Snakeeye.
basically its just something to cut a piece of rope or open a box or whatever, i just want to make sure its legal as im being held to a higher standard now carrying.
they had two small belt clip Gerber knives at the sporting goods store yesterday but i wasnt sure if i should waste my money, now that i think about it ,i think waiting was a good decision, I believe despite the fact that they were only about 2-2.5" i think they were sharpened on the top leading edge.
This is really more of a convenience/work/utility thing than anything else, its the last piece of my defensive carry ensemble so to speak. :P
i got the Pistol, the holster,the mag pouches,the gun belt,MK-6 OC,Surefire 9P with a P91 lamp (200 lumens [twisted] ), kubotan, cell phone...
Im going to need suspenders at this rate lol :P
once i get a couple more high cap mags im going to start funneling my resources into more advanced training. I made myself stop taking classes until i got my licence to carry cause i didnt want tokeep dumping money into something i didnt have yet and might not possiby ever get, now that ive gotten it, its go time.
Make sure you don't buy a "self opener". Meaning it has a mechanical release to open the blade. Pretty sure that is a felony in Mass. I'm told that spring assisted is legal and just as fast and quiet. I have a Kershaw that is a great pocket knife.
Make sure you don't buy a "self opener". Meaning it has a mechanical release to open the blade. Pretty sure that is a felony in Mass.

I'd bet $$ the Boston Globe supported this legislation... I hate this state sometimes...
Thank you!
thats a name i couldnt remember, they indeed make the spring "assisted" pocket knives i was looking for. Ergonomic with a very tactile, positively rewarding movement. its like racking the slide of a well engineered/manufactured handgun, you can hear that quality craftsmanship as everything clicks into place in perfect time.
I tried one in a small cutlery shop in fanuel hall a number of years back, it was very sweet & super fast [twisted]
You know, Buck makes a really great spring assisted knife. And I think that it's of legal length. I think that it's pretty new. I've seen it at both Northeast and M&Ms.

I don't need another knife, but if I were to get another one, that's one that I would be getting.
Check the knife laws forum at .

Boston has a 2.5" limit :

I have an item about a knife charge in Malden that quotes a
possession charge for a blade in excess of 2". The link is dead.

SnakeEye said:
Though it seem sort of trivial when you consider your carrying a loaded handgun,but where can i ascertain my local knife ordinance so i can buy a personal def/util knife of suitable length?
Is it governed by local or state law? (local i would imagine)
and spring "assisted" from what im told is legal,but source is not the law.
thx all
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I am rarely without my 2.5" Kershaw (LOVE it, just had my old one replaced under warenty after it gave up after 5 years of HEAVY use)

Frankly I think the Kershaw linier lock with the ball-berring is FASTER to open than any spring-assist/auto knife I've seen!

But I've done some reading on it, and I showed it to the LEO who did my handgun Safty corce for my LTC, and he was fine with it.

-Weer'd Beard

Model 806 - AFCK AXIS™
our of production as of 11/5
also claims that the blade length is signifigantly longer

Blade Length: 3.96"
Blade Thickness: 0.125"
Blade Material: D2
Blade Hardness: 59-61
Blade Style: Clip-Point
Weight: 4.38oz.
Clip: Black, Reversible, Tip-Up OR Tip-Down (4 possible positions)
Lock Mechanism: AXIS™
Overall Length: 9.38"
Closed Length: 5.42"
Sheath Material: Sold Separately
Class: Black
The AFCK is out of production? I can't believe it. That was their mainstay, or at least I thought so. I carry and use mine every day. Works great!

What is your reason for carrying? What is your reason for limiting the size? Just curious.
What is your reason for carrying? What is your reason for limiting the size? Just curious.

Primarily utilitarian purposes. Size im trying to keep to 2.5" and under so that i can carry it on my belt without fear of repercussion.
SnakeEye said:
What is your reason for carrying? What is your reason for limiting the size? Just curious.

Primarily utilitarian purposes. Size im trying to keep to 2.5" and under so that i can carry it on my belt without fear of repercussion.

I carry mine in my pocket. What do you mean by repercussion? The ladies at my work borrow mine to open boxes occasionally. I usually get an "Oh my" out of them, with "Why do you want to carry THAT big thing?".

I tell them it is lighter, simpler, easier, and less complicated than a gun.
What do you mean by repercussion?

I dont want to have to worry about loosing my pistol permit becuase i get arrested for having a knife thats 1/8" too long on my belt. :P
I think it absolutely ridiculous, just like gun control. i got a SW99 with 17 rounds, but i cant carry a three inch knife. [shock]
Seems sort of trivial, but i dare not take the risk of loosing something ive invested so much time and effort into obtaining over something so stupid.

as far as anyone at my work goes, i work in a machine shop and id say 80% of the employees here carry at work, they're a big part of the reason i pursued my permit., and everyones got a knife here incase a machine tries to swallow them,so i dont have to worry about freaking anyone out here. its just when im out and about in public.
SnakeEye said:
as was stated earlier in teh thread, Mass has a 2.5" limit (or thereabout) on folding knives.

That is news to me. I thought it was 4 1/2 inches or so. In fact, I STRONGLY DOUBT it is 2 1/2 inches.

Be it ordained by the City Council of Boston, as follows:
That CBC, Ordinances, Chapter 16 be amended by inserting the following new language:


16-45.1 Carrying of Weapons Prohibited. No person, except as provided by law, shall carry on his person, or carry under
his control in a vehicle, any knife having any type of blade in excess of two and one-half (2 1/2") inches, (except when actually
engaged in hunting or fishing or [delete … in going directly to and/or returning directly from such activities, or any
employment which requires the use of any type of knife), … end delete] any employment, trade or lawful recreational or
culinary activity which customarily involves the carrying or use of any type of knife, or (b) in going directly to and/or returning
directly from such activities, or (c) if the knife is being transported directly to or from a place of purchase, sharpening, or
repair, and if packaged in such a manner as not to allow easy access to the knife while it is being transported), ice picks,
dirks or similar weapons that are likely to penetrate through police officer's ballistic vests, or other object or tool so
redesigned, fashioned, prepared or treated that the same may be used to inflict bodily harm or injury to another.
16-45.2 Distribution Exception. This section shall not apply to persons who, through entities or establishments engaged
in a recognized retail or wholesale business, are involved in the sale, purchase or repair of knives for trade, sport, hobby or
recreation, including without limitation persons engaged in the transportation to or form such entities or establishments.
16-45.3 Applicability. Nothing in this section shall be construed to enhance or diminish any duties of persons described
in section 16-45.2, and this section shall not be introduced or cited in any proceeding as evidence of negligence,
recklessness, or similar state of mind of such persons.
16-45.4 Penalty. Violators of any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than three hundred
($300.00) dollars for each offense.
16-45.5 Severability. The provisions of this section shall be severable and if any section, part, or portion hereof shall be
held invalid for any purpose by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any
remaining section, part or portion thereof.
16-45.6 Effective Date. This section shall take effect immediately upon its passage. [Ed. Note: Passed 12/12/01]
OK, you said Mass, but meant Boston. Is that correct? What happens inside 128 stays inside 128 OK?

I don't think that Boston does or even can prosecute these city "by laws".

IANAL, but I'm not about to worry about them approving/disapproving my Swiss Army knife or my lockblade either!

I also don't go into the City unless I absolutely must go there!
yeah, well... some of us gotta work there. Unfortunately.

If anyone knows of a telecom tech or telecom manager position that's open in Metrowest, let me know, OK?
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