Even if she is "pro gun" in the truest sense of the word, one must remember
that her efficacy in that regard is still going to be limited.
Even though she has veto power (against say, a crappy anti gun
bill, like a .50 cal ban) it may not amount to a hill of beans if the
legislature decides to override it. It -does- however, make it more
difficult, because then they have to waste time to revisit the issue.... every
little bit helps. Any bit of resistance thrown back at the antis is good
news for us, especially if it is of the internal type.
She could also use the functions/powers of the office to help us
out (in whatever way that would be). I'm not going to really hold
my breath on that though.... I don't think she has that level of
committment, but I could be wrong. I'm getting the impression
that she as at least incrementally better than romney is on the
issue. (I'm still waiting for someone to post something possibly
incriminating about her supposedly pro gun stance, though... would be
a curious read. Numerous people here and elsewhere have told me
that she was "lukewarm" at best... )
The main function of a pro gun governor (in a communist state) is that they
won't be supplying "inertia" to pass anti gun crap, the way that deval certainly
would if he was in office. A same-party governor has the power
to nudge the fence sitters onto his side
The scary thing is though is she could flop on the issue for very minimal
political cost... but thats a risk that has to be assumed with just about
any candidate, unless the locale is in an NRA contested area. (eg, those
places where the NRA actually has pull and frequently ruins the careers
of two faced republicans and democrats, simply over the gun issue, because
tons of people in those places actually care about it) MA is certainly
not one of those places, and even if the gun owner contingent doubled
overnight here, it still wouldn't be. That is how badly republican/libertarian
type beliefs are out-gunned around here. The numbskull voting bloc
in this state only likes statist/socialist type politicians.