Kamala Harris once said police could pay surprise visits to legal gun owners' homes for safe storage checks


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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'Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We're not taking anybody's guns away,' says Vice President Kamala Harris​

As San Francisco's district attorney, Kamala Harris told legal gun owners in her community that authorities could "walk into" their homes to inspect whether they were storing their firearms properly under a new law she helped draft.

"We're going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs," Harris told a group of reporters in May 2007.

The remarks came during a press conference introducing legislation that Harris helped draft, which sought to impose penalties for gun owners who fail to store their firearms properly at home.


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4 years ago they were all "defund the police" and end "police brutality" Now its "Mmmm ya momma peg me and search my house" Dam Authoritarian boot licking crackheads. Supply crack and weed and you can get a populace to go a long with anything.
I mean, Trump said take the guns first, due process second, then took the bump stocks and pistol braces.

Neither of these candidates are pro2a, why are we pretending they are or highlighting that just one isnt?

I've come to conclusion after seeing both RI and MA always vote democrat it doesn't matter who I vote for. There is this mistaken belief "Oh you're throwing your vote away....Oh you're helping the other guy". Not really. If I know whats-her-name is going to win RI no matter what, I'll just right my own name in. Told my neighbors the same thing. A local election, governor, midterm or even House/Senate races...sure it's a valid point. But POTUS...doesn't matter who I vote for

it's all about the swing states and the electoral math
Ya, good luck with that. There would be a lot of dead cops.
98% of the gun owning population will comply.

Christ, you have people shitting bricks over flash hiders, bayonet lugs and post ban 30 round mags..

With so much to lose(family, job, freedom) do you think these same people will put up any kind of resistance?

For your scenario to happen, a LOT of other things will have had to already happen. Martial law, curfew, total societal breakdown and civil war. At that point, you won't be facing down the barrel of a cops gun, it would be the military carrying out the orders.

I don't think there will be much of that in MT though :)

The cops will probably be on your side against the military lol
98% of the gun owning population will comply.

Christ, you have people shitting bricks over flash hiders, bayonet lugs and post ban 30 round mags..

With so much to lose(family, job, freedom) do you think these same people will put up any kind of resistance?

For your scenario to happen, a LOT of other things will have had to already happen. Martial law, curfew, total societal breakdown and civil war. At that point, you won't be facing down the barrel of a cops gun, it would be the military carrying out the orders.

I don't think there will be much of that in MT though :)

The cops will probably be on your side against the military lol

This is why the referendum petition is struggling in MA.
was this statement pre-Heller?

Heller was ostensibly all about ready access to a gun in the home

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This sitll should go elsewhere. Like this thread

That someone else started about Kamala and guns. Who was it that started THAT thread? ;)
I guess if one is willing to ignore one of the Bill of Rights provision (2A), it is easy as well to ignore another (4A).
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