Just Talked With Rep. Jim Miceli, Dem. Wilmington/Tewksbury, A+ GOAL & Endorsed


NES Member
Nov 9, 2008
N/W of Boston
Feedback: 44 / 1 / 0
I spoke to Rep. Miceli tonight. You guys are doing great. He told me that the lobbying is "intense" on H4102 and H5229. Keep up the pressure. Jim has always been a gun rights guy and votes accordingly. He's a good friend to us.

All you Tewksbury and Wilmington guys, get out the vote for Jim. PM me if you want a phone number for one of his aides so that you can help out his campaign. This is one guy we don't want to lose. Maybe we can stand out together sometime.
I sent him a small donation when he was running for some state office (I forget which at this time) and I don't think he made much of a showing.

But if he is A+ with GOAL you should post his donation URL the way Foggy65 did for Peterson.

I sent him a small donation when he was running for some state office (I forget which at this time) and I don't think he made much of a showing.

But if he is A+ with GOAL you should post his donation URL the way Foggy65 did for Peterson.


Jim Miceli was running for the seat that Nikki Tsongas is holding. He did not do well, as you say. He is, however, the incumbent in his District for State Rep. and should do quite well. With the anti-incumbent feelings running high we need to be careful that we don't lose the good guys.

Good idea about posting a web page for donations but for some reason I can't find one for him.
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