Just curious (female shooters).

Mar 4, 2006
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How many female shooters/gun owners are members here or are 2nd amendment sisters ?

Seems like greater than the average when compared to other gun related forums. It helps dispel the myth that gun ownership is strictly a "guy' kind'a thing.

Next question (for the ladies), ... how many of you also like the 3 Stooges? [smile]
Off the top of my head I can tell you that on this forum the ladies are:

Me [smile]

there's probably a few more lurking or some that I forgot. Not a bad group. I'm not personally involved with SAS though. Not sure if any of the other ladies here are. I just hang out with the guys and swagger enough that they don't notice I'm any different from them [wink]
LoginName said:
How many female shooters/gun owners are members here or are 2nd amendment sisters ?

Seems like greater than the average when compared to other gun related forums. It helps dispel the myth that gun ownership is strictly a "guy' kind'a thing.

Next question (for the ladies), ... how many of you also like the 3 Stooges? [smile]
I'm a member of SAS and I love the 3 Stooges. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck! [laugh]
My Wife is a member of SAS, but she doesn't do anything other than Email on the Internet.

Officially, I'm still a member of SAS until my membership year ends sometime this Summer.

Gail-S is a SAS lady (computer programmer) here that was active on the forum until her employer blocked access and she doesn't have time to get here from home. I met Gail at BR&P and talked with her at length one day when SAS was meeting there.
MrsWildweasel said:
SR, you forgot Daiseywench, and Playmoreminds. They come around once in awhile.
I knew I'd forget somebody. Oops! But I didn't do too terribly on remembering the ladies. Only missed 2 [wink]

Sorry Daisy and Playmore! Won't happen again [grin]
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You did really well there SR. Not sure I could have done it. I know the other 2 from another board, and Len and I had invited them over here.[laugh]
I'm still a member of SAS, although I don't participate. The meetings are a bit of a drive for me, plus going through Boston at rush hour to get there isn't all that appealing. I also belong to GOA, NRA and GOAL. And, most importantly.... I love guns!! [smile]
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