June 29th, 2024 foraging walk w/ mousegunguy


NES Member
Feb 10, 2013
the brookfields
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Howdy All,
I’d like to invite you on a free foraging walk on Saturday June 29th at 10am. It’s being sponsored by the Hardwick Farmers Co-op in Hardwick MA.
Call the co op @ 1-413-477-6913 to reserve your space.
We’ll be outside wandering the fields for at least an hour so come prepared with comfy shoes, something to drink and what ever else you may need.
We will meet in Ware MA, @ the rail trail on Church St. just of rt. 32a @ 9:45.
If you have foraging guides please bring them with you. I’ll bring a few of my own too.
We typically discover around 30-50 interesting plants on a walk. This will be a new place so who knows what we’ll find.
Feel free to PM me with questions
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@mousegunguy , I wish I had seen this sooner. I’d love to have gone with you guys. As soon as my oldest son recovers from his foot surgery, I’d like to bring him out as well.
Sorry you missed it.
I didn’t count but I’d guess we found 40-50 interesting useful plants on this walk.
I’m sure I’ll be doing at least one more walk this summer In central Massachusetts.
I have a few in southern NH this fall.
I’m also available for private walks/consults & speaking to groups on a wide variety of horticultural topics like seed saving, pruning, composting, garden design, preserving your harvest without electricity, wild foods & more.
I think my wife and I would enjoy the NH walks, but she limited in how long she can walk, so we’ll see when you post the details. Great thing to be doing though!
Sorry you missed it.
I didn’t count but I’d guess we found 40-50 interesting useful plants on this walk.
I’m sure I’ll be doing at least one more walk this summer In central Massachusetts.
I have a few in southern NH this fall.
I’m also available for private walks/consults & speaking to groups on a wide variety of horticultural topics like seed saving, pruning, composting, garden design, preserving your harvest without electricity, wild foods & more.
I’ll absolutely make a note of that. We’ve got a lot of preppers, gardeners, and the like in our Republican Town Committee. I’ll PM you.
Oh! Glad you're doing this. I'd like to be included, please. How do I find out about the dates/times?
I’m psyched you’re interested!
I’ll post the specifics on NES when I know them. The dates are sept 14/15 for the Homesteader of New England gathering. I still need to find out the specific times.
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