Interesting quote in The Corner today...

Jul 8, 2005
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"NRA, C'EST MOI [Rod Dreher]
It occurs to me, watching the anarchy overtake New Orleans, and the feeble response by the government to it, that if my own city, Dallas, found itself in a catastrophic situation like New Orleans is in, we would face exactly the same situation here. Prior to this week, I would have trusted the state and federal government to move in quickly to restore order. I now think that's awfully naive. I'm going to buy a gun. And I bet a lot of ordinary citizens are taking the same lesson from what has unfolded on our television screens this week."

I'm a new gun owner, and for the time being the gun is kept at the range. It's not an ideal situation, but it reduces the time from the point when I decide I need a gun to the point when I have a gun in hand to less than an hour. I'm sure that lots of people would prefer being in my situation rather than preparing for a natural disaster and realizing that they have no way to arm themselves...
Of course, I'm not as bad as my Grandfather and my Dad. There's not a place in the house where they're not more than 20 feet from one. And with the size of thier houses, that's a feat.

What's great is I that no one knows it when they come over to visit.
There's what I would like (in the house) and what I can negotiate [wink]. Still, I'm reading about what's happening in New Orleans and thinking "thank God I started figuring this problem out while I had the luxury of time."
The only problem is that's it's not really legal here in MA. With having to have everything locked up, you can't have one in every room ready to go...not without breaking the law.

So, if it were to happen in my house...I guess I better be really quick with the dial to open the safe.
It wouldn't be a problem for me as I'm normally wearing it most of the time. Then again, I don't have kids in the house, so I also have a couple around.

(Don't worry - if I leave the house they get locked up)

Actually - a couple weeks ago after hubby called the ambulance for me, he was running around getting them and locking them up before the ambulance got here. [lol]
Was listening to NPR on the ride home last night (yeah, so sue me) and they were interviewing store owners in NO and the surrounding area. They were all posting signs that said "YOU LOOT, I SHOOT" and were keeping their stores guarded round the clock.

Imagine that happening in MA... [roll]
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