"NRA, C'EST MOI [Rod Dreher]
It occurs to me, watching the anarchy overtake New Orleans, and the feeble response by the government to it, that if my own city, Dallas, found itself in a catastrophic situation like New Orleans is in, we would face exactly the same situation here. Prior to this week, I would have trusted the state and federal government to move in quickly to restore order. I now think that's awfully naive. I'm going to buy a gun. And I bet a lot of ordinary citizens are taking the same lesson from what has unfolded on our television screens this week."
I'm a new gun owner, and for the time being the gun is kept at the range. It's not an ideal situation, but it reduces the time from the point when I decide I need a gun to the point when I have a gun in hand to less than an hour. I'm sure that lots of people would prefer being in my situation rather than preparing for a natural disaster and realizing that they have no way to arm themselves...
"NRA, C'EST MOI [Rod Dreher]
It occurs to me, watching the anarchy overtake New Orleans, and the feeble response by the government to it, that if my own city, Dallas, found itself in a catastrophic situation like New Orleans is in, we would face exactly the same situation here. Prior to this week, I would have trusted the state and federal government to move in quickly to restore order. I now think that's awfully naive. I'm going to buy a gun. And I bet a lot of ordinary citizens are taking the same lesson from what has unfolded on our television screens this week."
I'm a new gun owner, and for the time being the gun is kept at the range. It's not an ideal situation, but it reduces the time from the point when I decide I need a gun to the point when I have a gun in hand to less than an hour. I'm sure that lots of people would prefer being in my situation rather than preparing for a natural disaster and realizing that they have no way to arm themselves...