If you're looking for something fun/gun this weekend

I went over this morning

Maybe it's just because it is Friday, but there weren't too many merchants set up. I'll be over at some point Saturday. I don't shoot anymore because I sold all my guns when I moved to this stupid state. (Yes I know, that makes me even more stupid). So far I've only been able to replace one Vaquero. I've still got my duds though! SASS folks are the best. :o
Let me know if you're going to be there tomorrow morning. I've been told by a couple of the guys in my Posse that have shot thise several times, that Saturday is the biggest day for Merchants.

We're leaving the North Attleboro/Mansfield area about 7:30 or 8 am. We'll be there about and hour or so later. We'll probably hang out a few hours. I'm hoping that Half a Hand is going to be there. I love to see her shoot. Talk about fast. When I was doing a stage about 46 seconds or so, she was doing them in 25.

Anyway, I'm hoping to find a good set of holsters for my Rugers. We'll be dressed, so you can find me in my garb, or I'll give you my cell.

I'm in the Brown Pants.

One of the neatest SASS matches I ever witnessed was on Maui. (yes, dispite the draconian laws there, there are shooters)

if you look carefully about halfway between the aquarium and Lahaina on the upland side you'll see the sign for the range. Nice people (how often are shooters not?)

I'll definitely be on the look out for you...I don't have pictures of me, but I'll probably be in a blue shirt, black pants and a Capt. Call hat (with a beard)
I'm not shooting but just like hanging around and I've a got a friend I turned onto shooting whose anti-wife is giving him a lot of trouble. I'm trying to talk them into coming up and maybe she'll see it isn't evil.

Have fun!
Do that. We're not shooting either. We might have a couple of kids with us. I think that he (other one in the Picture) was thinking about bringing his daughters. Because we're not going to be shooting, they won't be bored hanging around for 8 hours doing nothing.

Chris, I would love to have seen that. I bet that it was pretty neat.

News, let me know what shoots that you're thinking about going to in the future. Maybe we can meet up for them. And don't worry if you don't have all the hardware. I'm sure that we can round something up for you to use if you want to shoot.

We can talk to Boss Drover (the other guy) when you show up. He knows everyone. We'll get something worked out.

Talk to you later,

Man, it was a good time. I got to see some great shooters. Got to see the Champion, Half a Hand Henri shoot. As well as Tex, SASS member number 4. It was a real treat.

Quite a few Vendors, so I was able to check out a bunch of stuff. Having a tailored made Vest, only 40 bucks. Made and shipped. Will be here in about 6 weeks.

It was a good time. Never ran into News Shooter though...
I was there for about an hour Saturday afternoon. Some mighty good shooting going on. Would have been there eariler but had to drop a rifle off at Four Seasons for consignment.
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