If Walls Could Talk


NES Door Greeter
Jul 8, 2005
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A buddy of mine doing a renovation in a home teared down a wall and found a funny advertisement from a paper from 39'.


A little description he put together made me laugh like hell!!.....

"Its amazing how termonology has changed over the years. I also think theres a bit of subliminal advertising going on here. The first thing is the price of the "gay" items, 69 cents, wink wink. Another alarm is the pattern it comes in, "Dude Ranch". Notice the items are for boys but they are located in a "store for men". The kids in this picture are also about to eat wieners and we all know what thats in reference to. Last of all look at the hand positioning of the boys. The middle one has his hand on one of the other boys ass and the two on either side are playing pocket pinball. If Jordan Marsh were to run this ad today they would be sued by evey gay rights organization there is!"
the kid in the middle clearly has his hand on the kid on the lefts ass,and he has the ear to ear grin to prove it... :P
but seriously,
theres a long history of subversive messages in mainstream advertising going right over the heads of the censorship or standards people.

cartoons especially.
Wait............I'm remembering a time when...........OMFG!!!!!!!!!!I had one of those shirts when I was a kid!!!!!!!!!! Think if a happy place!!!!!!Think of a HAPPY PLACE!!!!!!!!! [shocked] [crying]
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