I wonder if our lawmakers.......

Jan 4, 2009
Not Mass
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Ever wonder if our lawmakers could themselves, get a mass LTC? Would " possible suspect relations with a know terrorist" or suspicion "driving a women to her death in a drunken stupor" qualify as reason for denial with any of our local PD's???

Maybe we dont need more gun laws, maybe more law regarding who get to decided the law.....

It does not bother me all that much that I cannot get a new handgun in ma that hold more than 10 rnds, only that the law make it Illegal, why? Suddenly that 11th round in the mag will turn my once crime free, speeding ticket free,normal, tax paying, peaceful existence into a all out shooting spree??

I dont know exact numbers, but speed probably kills far more than "legally owned" firearms. Will we ban corvettes and Ferrari's?

How about kitchen knives, box cutters, chainsaws, and lawn darts ( lol )

I love where I live, I love my country, I love that ( for now ) I can saw this without being imprisoned. But I'm VERY scared at where were going...... This is not about guns for me, I can live my whole life without owning a "assault weapon" ( although it might be fun.. ) and die a happy man. What scares me is the erosion of freedoms from decent peoples with no course or recourse of actions to take. Vote? I do. And what has that achieved? I vote for one side they eat away at one set of freedoms, I vote for the other and they just eat away at a different set of freedoms..... either way they meet in the middle!

this was long and very mindless, and by no means in advocating a armed overthrow or anything. Just frustration in what seems to be hopeless.....
this was long and very mindless, and by no means in advocating a armed overthrow or anything. Just frustration in what seems to be hopeless.....
Join the crowd...

Don't be hopeless, just recognize that it won't get fixed if you don't do anything and each vote counts...

I have to admit that despite my strong libertarian beliefs, I have been ignoring the gun issue since I got to MA 10 years ago because I was dealing with career and young kids... Now that I have some time and comfort to breath, I am realizing how much has changed and how much worse it has gotten...

It is absurd, but there you go... Do what you can...
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