I just received my LTC A with no restriction.

May 27, 2006
Austin, Texas
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Hey Guys/Gal,

I want to thank you all for all your help and encouragement in my quest for my LTC. It was longer than 40 days (71 days including holidays and weekends) but in the end I am officially a member of this group. Now I can finally sign up for some classes everybody has been pointing me too!


PS Is it me or are the new license cheap looking
PS-II Props to Scrivener for his legal help and patience.
PS-III Props to Chris,lynne,ken,MArtlet Dwarven,Lens and the Admins.
PS-IV I officially nominate Beverly as a GREEN City/Town!
Congrats FeeBear! Now spend, spend, spend!
What's the first purchase going to be?

Honestly, I have no idea, I went to Four Season a month ago to look but since I didn't have my license, I couldn't touch. I am open to suggestions from my WISE board mates.


Conga-rats, Feebear! Now... go get that first gun and join the ranks of free men!

And yeah, it does look kinda cheesy, doesn't it? Looks like something a high-schooler could counterfeit. [rolleyes]
FeeBear, congratulations. It's a big step and something yyou can be proud of.

It's nice to be around nice people like this who will help somebody else out, without looking for something in return.


Now buy wisely and shoot safely.

My advice: Get yourself a Glock. Lose the nickle-plated sissy-pistols!

Try to limit yourself to one firearms purchase per month, to get prepared for the new laws we're going to get when Deval Nitwit gets elected.
Congratulations Fee!

If you're planning on carrying concealed I'd start out with a .22 pistol or revolver just to really hone your skills. Once you feel really confident with your .22 go out and buy a firearm that has good carry potential. Shoot that one frequently so that it becomes second nature. You might also want to pick up a dummy gun or an airsoft in the same model to practice drawing from concealed holster at home.

Just my 0.02. Frankly I'm jealous. I live within 4 miles of the big bad city, so of course I'm much safer leaving my personal protection in the arms of the law. Because, you know, violence and criminal activities are much less likely to happen around here so I don't need an All Lawful Purposes license... [rolleyes] [rolleyes] [rolleyes] [rolleyes]
Congrats and glad we could help you!

Re-read some of the stuff for new shooters on picking a gun. .22 pistol and .22 rifle is something that everyone needs. Cheap practice and allows you to hone your skills. Ruger 10/22 for rifle. Pistol: Ruger, High Standard (one of the Hartford oldies), S&W 22A are all good choices. Carry guns . . . you should try before you buy, because what fits one person won't always fit another. Attend the various NES Members shoots and get to try a dozen or so.
Congrats and glad we could help you!

Re-read some of the stuff for new shooters on picking a gun. .22 pistol and .22 rifle is something that everyone needs. Cheap practice and allows you to hone your skills. Ruger 10/22 for rifle. Pistol: Ruger, High Standard (one of the Hartford oldies), S&W 22A are all good choices. Carry guns . . . you should try before you buy, because what fits one person won't always fit another. Attend the various NES Members shoots and get to try a dozen or so.

Sounds advice my friend. Did you get my question about November class of Conceal carry and any room left?

No I didn't. I (and some others) had major problems today and weren't able to access any threads most of the day.

GOAL is doing the booking of the November class, so the only way to know if any room is available is to call GOAL in the morning. 508-393-5333

Hope to see you there.
Congrats Fee!!! I know Beverly is probably about 1/2 hour from Woburn, but when you are searching for a range, you are more than welcome to join me at MRA one day to check the place out.
Congratulations! If you ever want to come check out the Cape Ann Sportsmans Club in Gloucester I could be of assistance. On a side note, I just got home from the GOAL concealed carry class with Darius and John and it was more than well worth it. I recommend it to all that haven't taken it. I also got to meet Ken who is just as knowledgeable and friendly in person as he is here.
Sorry for babbling off topic. Congrats again.
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